Back to camp Half Hell

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A few days past after the hunter accepted me and they even started helping me do my chores, I also started going on hunts with them which I was so happy about, not only because he could do thing freely but also because he could spend more time with Thalia. We had just finished a hunt so we walked back to camp with 2 deer 5 rabbits and 6 birds. When we arrived we saw a troubled looking Artemis, I couldn't figure out why but then I remembered the look on her face when the Olympians found out there was going to be a 2nd Titan war and it was the same look she was wearing now. There was a sinking feeling in my gut because this could only mean one thing, I tried to convince myself otherwise so I asked Artemis if she was ok, the hunts looked worried until Artemis said hunters and Percy there is going to be a 3rd Titan war. I just stood there as she had just confirmed my thoughts, I thought about all the people that had died in the past Titian war and passed out. When I woke up I was in my tent , I walked out and saw Artemis talking to the hunters, I caught three words CAMP HALF BLOOD then they turned to me, Artemis looked very sorry and said Percy we have to go stay at CHB I understood perfectly why. My plain response was ok so we packed up and started the journey to camp half hell.

Time skip of awesomeness

When we got to the top of the hill we were greeted by none other than Peter ANNABITCH, Peter stupidly said bow before me I am the hero of Olympus and favorite son of Poseidon. This earned him 15 arrows planted in different spots of the body sending him to the infirmary for a few hours. We went to the Artemis cabin and unpacked I went to the arena and destroyed all the dummies in a few minutes ( I am wearing a hood) then all the gods flashed in as Peter walked up to me and challenged me to a duel.

Percy Jackson Guardian Of The HuntWhere stories live. Discover now