Chapter 13

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Telling her parents she's pregnant is the hardest thing for Emma at this point. She couldn't be happier that she's pregnant, but she can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. It's been a two weeks since she found out she was pregnant.

"Emma you should tell your parents"
Killian said. Right now Emma and him are on the couch in the apartment. Mary Margret and David were picking up Henry from Regina's so it was just them

"I know I know I should, I just...I don't know how they will react" she said breaking down. Killian put his arm around her shoulders and she laid her head on his shoulders.

"When you told Henry he was thrilled to have a brother or sister, I'm sure your parents will react just as thrilled, well after the part your father puts a bullet through my head " he said chuckling sarcastically. This earned a slight giggle from Emma. She picked her head up and stared into those blue eyes she loves. They both leaned in until their lips touched. She dragged her hands in his hair and tugged on it. He slid his hands on her waist and pulled her on his lap. She kept her hands around his neck and deepened the kiss. He slid his hand gently up her shirt, his hook leaving a cold feeling on her skin. She moaned in his mouth. They were so busy doing what they were doing, they didn't hear her parents along with Henry come through the door. Mary Margret audiomatically seeing this, she covered Henry's eyes. Henry smiled at the sight but also a little disgusted. David looked at them and clenched his fists. Mary coughed, bringing them to pull apart. Emma looked at her parents then at Henry who still has his eyes covered and she laughed at the sight.

"Sorry kid" she said slightly giggling

"It's okay, but am I allowed to see now?" He said smiling

Emma climbed off of Killian's lap and walked over to Henry and put her hand on his shoulder. Mary Margret released her hand from his eyes and smiled. Emma dragged him into the kitchen away from the awkward scene. Henry sat on the bar stool and she was behind the counter facing him

"So...that was weird, huh?" Henry said laughing

She laughed as well," yeah, you always show up at the wrong time" she says laughing even harder

David started to storm where Killian was on the couch but Mary grabbed his arm and led him into the kitchen where Emma and Henry were. Killian got off the couch and walked behind Emma wrapping his hand and hook around her waist and his head on her shoulder.

"Is it okay if I go to Granny's to get a sandwich?" Henry asked

"Sure kid, just come right back, I don't need Elsa paying you a visit" Emma said to him. And with that Henry walked out the door and headed towards Granny's.

They all made short conversation when the front door flew open showing Elsa

"So sorry, did I intrude on this precious family moment?" She grinned.

David immediately grabbed his sword and pointed it at Elsa," what do you want?" He said

She raised her hands in the air in a surrender," Don't get too hasty, I just came to say congratulations" she said smiling

"What, why?" Mary Margret asked confused

Elsa turned her gaze to Emma and Killian," To the happy couple, you really didn't think that I wouldn't find out, did you?" She says

"What are you taking about?" David asked

Elsa looked at David and Mary Margret and then back at them," ohh, you haven't told them yet, did you?"

"Guys, what is she talking about?" David asks a little frustrated

Elsa slowly starts to walk towards Emma and Killian who are still behind the counter,"I just came her to say watch your back, because in time, you won't have it" she says never stop smiling

Emma was about to say something but Elsa disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Emma laid her head in the crook of Killian's neck and took a deep breath

"What was she talking about?" David says sternly

When Emma was about to say something the front door quickly opened to Henry running over to her

"Mom, Elsa wants to take your baby!!"

As soon as her said 'baby' her head shot up from Killian's chest. It was then Henry saw her parents at the other side of the room, he swallowed nervously and spoke,

"Oh hey, grandma and grandpa"

They weren't even listening to him, mostly processing the information Henry blurted out

"Your pregnant?" Her parents say in union, although her mother said it with a smile and joy while David said it shocked and a little angry

Emma also swallows and smile nervously," yeah, I am"

Mary Margret runs over to her and pulls her in for a hug.

"I'm so happy for you Emma" she says still in her embrace

"Thanks mom"

Emma turns and sees David slowly walking to her and joined the hug making it a group hug

"Looks like my baby girl is all grown up" David says shedding a tear

From a far, Killian watching the family moment feeling a little left out, Emma removed her hand from the hug and grabbed Killian's behind her and softly squeezing his hand. Emma went out of the hug and went back into Killian's arms.

"Henry, did you say Elsa wants my baby?" Emma asks turning to Henry

"Yeah, but I don't know why, but whatever it is, it can't be good" Henry says slowly as he spoke the truth.

Emma let a tear fall from her eye as she moved her hand to her stomach and slightly rubbing it. It was then, Killian's tightened his grip around her, never wanting to let go. Everybody had one thought going through their minds,

'What are we going to do?'

I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry. I completely forgot to finish this chapter hence all he work I had to do for school.

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