Chapter 5

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    Emma woke up to the sun beaming against her eyes. She slowly opens them to find herself not in her room, but on a boat. She smiles to herself remembering last nights activities and turns her head to find a Killian flat on his stomach, head in his pillow, and his bare back showing with the rest of his body hidden under a blanket. She smiles even more thinking about how much she adores him, she might even love him. Her thoughts were interrupted when Killian began to stir. She kissed his cheek and he fully opened his eyes to see Emma's emerald green eyes. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her close
"Morning swan" he said smiling at her

"Morning Killian" she said smiling bigger than before

"Show did you sleep?" He asked smirking at her

She giggled, " I haven't slept that good in a very long time" she said as she never stop smiling

"Good, I'm glad you enjoyed it swan" he said beaming with joy on the inside

"Do you know what I just realized?" He shakes his head no, "that I don't have a nick-name for you"she said

"What do you mean?" He asked confused

"Well you always call me swan, why don't I have a nick name for you like..." She paused and think for a moment when she finally had an idea, "...Killy!" She said happy that she now has a nick name for him

"It's cute, it makes me sound like a teddy bear" he chuckled

"Aww...Killy Bear!!!" She said, it was the perfect nick name for him

"I love it" he said and leaned in and kissed her soft lips. She was so happy when she was with him, and she never wanted to leave, that is until Killian broke the kiss with a question
", what time is it?"

"Uhh..."she reaches for her phone on top of the dresser and looks at the time 8:45." SHIT!!!!" She said and quickly jumped out of bed, scattering around the room looking for her clothes

"What's wrong love?" He said with a startle

"I have to get home, before they notice I'm gone"

"Calm down, they might not even notice that you're gone"

"Really!!, you don't think that they won't notice an empty bed, or the fact that no one will come downstairs accepting a hot cocoa with cinnamon like I do every morning!??!" She said while putting on her clothes. Killian looked shocked from her combat. He continues to sit there just watching her run across the room. When her clothes are finally on, she looks in the mirror and fixes her hair.
"I gotta go" she said and kissed him quick, but before she can pull away, he pulls her back to him and puts her on his lap. After awhile she pulls away
"Killian I gotta go!!" Emma said laughing

"Alright" he said and made a pouty face

"Ugh!!"she said and pecked is lips,"happy?"she said with a smirk

"Very" Killian said while smiling. She climbed off his lap, grabbed her phone, and walked out the door. She ran all the way to her parents apartment hoping that they are still sound asleep. She slowly and quietly opened the door and slowly walked to the stairs when a voice behind here made her jump
"And where were you this time Emma?" Mary Margret was siting on the couch awaiting for her arrive

"I...just went for a little morning walk to clear my head about...Elsa, ok" Emma said hoping her mother would buy her lie, "where's David?" She asked trying to changed the subject

"Out getting Granny's for breakfast, and don't try and changed the subject" she says very confident

"I was just..." She was interrupted by her mother

"Ah ah Emma, no lieing to me" she said. Emma was confused," I know you were with Hook" she said. Emma was terrified

"What would make you..." She was interrupted

"Last night when you were 'trying' to sneak out, my motherly instincts told me to go after you, which I did..."she said and Emma just stayed quiet with widen eyes,"... I followed you all the way into the woods, when I saw you and Hook kiss, or should I say making out" she said smiling and Emma is still shocked," then you guys headed to the docks, don't worry I didn't follow you guys after that, I went home and waited for you, but you never came home, I'm sure there is a reason for that, isn't there Emma?" She asked smiling.

"Mom I can expl..." Interrupted again

"You don't need to, Hook has done a lot for you Emma, he cares about you, I just don't get why you didn't tell me" she said a little disappointed

"I was afraid you would get mad or something" she said nervously

"Emma you out of all people should know I am a big fan of love, or whatever you guys have"

" are okay with us?" She asked shocked

"Yes, but your father on the other hand,   certainly WILL NOT"

As if on cue, David walked in the door with Granny's take out in his hands. When he sees Emma, he went and hugged her.
"Emma we were worried, where were you?" He asked pulling away from the hug

"I was uh..." She was gonna say something when her mother answered for her

"She was just taking a morning stroll, she's a little stressed about the Elsa case" she said with a innocent smile. David looked at Emma and she gave him a confirming nod
"Ok next time tell us before you go, ok?" He asked with concern. She gave him a nod and he went to the counter and grabbed the food out of the bag. Emma mouthed a 'thank you' to her mom. She gave her daughter a reassuring smile. They joined David with their food and had a delicious breakfast together, with some hot cocoa with cinnamon of course

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter and nothing dramatic happens😢
How do you think David will act when he eventually learned about Emma and Hook? Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm having fun with this book!😏

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