Chapter 21

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Emma was rushed to the hospital. They called her family and they were now I'm the waiting room.

"Do we have another member for the Charming softball team yet?" Regina asked walking in with Robin and Roland by her side. They heard Emma let out a scream,"I'll take that as a no" she said and sat down.

In the room..

"Ahh!!" Emma screamed in pain. Killian was on her left side holding her hand.

"Emma your at ten centimeters, it time to start pushing" Dr. Whale said

"Oh god..." She said and started to push. She squeezed Killian hand so hard, he thought it would fall off. Her screams were heard through the hospital.

"Ahh!!!" She screamed again.

"Come on Emma almost there, keep pushing!" Whale said.

"You can do it swan, your doing good" Killian whispers to her.

"Ahh!! I hate you, you did this to me!!" She yelled.

"Don't worry, they all say that" Whale said. 'I can see why' Killian thought.

"We got a head...shoulders...arms...legs and..." Then they heard heard a baby cry.

"It's a boy" Whale said holding him to their eye level. Emma smiled. He handed him to one of the nurses. "Alright Emma you don't have much time before the next contraction comes" Whale said

"Killian, I don't think I could do this" Emma said looking up at Killian.

"Hey I know you can do this...we already have our son, now we will see our baby girl" Killian said. Emma nodded and another contraction hit her. "Ahh!!"

"Alright Emma, here comes the second one" Whale said getting in position.

3 minutes later, a baby girl was born, both babies were being cleaned up, "You did it Emma, their here" Killian said and kissed her forehead. She smiled. The nurse wrapped the babies in a pink and blue blanket and placed both babies in Emma's arms.

"You want to hold one?" She asked looking up at Killian

"Uhh, one hand love" He said raising his hook.

"It doesn't matter" She said and carefully placed their baby boy in his right arm. "See your a natural" She said watching him with their son.

"Do you want me to bring your family in?" Whale asked.

"Can you give us a minute?" Emma said. He nodded and walked out the door with the nurses

Emma looked down at her daughter and smiled. She started to open her eyes to reveal sparkle color of blue. She looked at her mother with her big eyes, "We can't loose her Killian...we can't let them take her" she said.

"And we won't, I'm a pirate and your a savior, there's nothing we can't handle" He said kissing her.

"Can we come in?" Mary asked peaking her head through the door.

"Yeah come here" Emma said.

Henry ran through the door and stood at his mothers side, "She's so tiny" He said. "You want to hold her" Emma asked. He nodded and she placed her in his arms.

"You need help there?" David said to Killian. "I can handle with one hand thanks" Killian said.

"Oh Emma, their beautiful" Mary Margret said looking at the infants and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Henry handed his sister back to Emma. "So do we have any names?" Mary Margret asked anxiously. Emma smiled

"The boy in Killian's Liam" She said looking into Killian's eyes. He smiled. "And our Leia" She said looking down at the bundle of joy in her arms.

"From your journey of going back in time?" Henry asked. She nodded smiling.

"Here..." Emma said placing Leia into Mary Margret's arms. Killian put Liam in Emma's arms.

"Have to admit it, they are pretty cute" Regina said looking at both Liam and Leia in their mother and grandmothers arms.

"Actually Regina, there's something we need to ask you" Emma said. Regina nodded for her to continue, "Will you be the children's godmother?" Emma asked slightly nervous.

Regina was taken back by her sudden request, but then smiled, "It would be my honor" Regina said. They all smiled.

"Not to ruin this happy moment, but should we start protecting this room from The ice witches and Rumplestilkin?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, Robin you wait out front with your merry men, David and Mary Margret you too wait in front of the building, distracting them and I will be standing in front of this door, got it" Regina said. They all nodded in agreement. Mary Margret put Leia in her cradle beside Emma and kissed her forehead. David put Liam in his cradle right besides Leia. "We will be back" David said and left with the others.

Everybody was on their highest alert for anything mysterious, other than the three villains. It was almost midnight, and everyone was getting tired. Most of Robins merry men were asleep, Mary Margret and David were still standing, trying to push sleep out of their minds, Regina was sitting on the floor with her back against the door, awaiting for their company, and in the room, Emma was fast asleep, no matter how hard she tried not to, and Killian was on the verge of sleeping, staring at the door.

Rumple, Elsa, and Ingrid quietly approached the hospital. They expected it to be protected, so they were well prepared. Ingrid froze Mary Margret and David in their spots and walked past them. Rumple spotted the merry men half asleep and did a spell to where they all fell asleep. They walked in their group towards Emma's room where they found Regina against the door. She quickly spotted them and stood up.

"You not getting in there" Regina said with confidence in her voice.

Elsa stepped forward, using her magic, knocking Regina unconscious. The group stood proudly and entered the room. Emma laid there sleeping peacefully while Killian sat on the chair beside the bed. His head shoot up and immediately grabbed his sword, that he hid away incase they showed up. Emma woke up from all the sound, and her eyes went wide. Rumple went towards the cradles.

"You get away from her!!" Emma yelled getting ready to stand up when Killian stopped her.

"We gave you a warning, and you disobeyed it" Elsa said.

"I swear if you touch one hair on my daughter, I'm going to kill you" Killian said. Rumple froze them in place.

"Well that's better..." Elsa said. Ingrid walked over to Leia's cradle.

"Oh look at that...there's two of them" Ingrid says looking down at the sleeping babies.

"Shall we take both?" Elsa asked.

"No no...we only need one" Rumple said.

Ingrid took Leia in her arms and looked at Emma and Hook, "You'll never see her should of listened to us" She said and they disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

All the spells were undid, Mary Margret and David unfroze, the merry men woke up, Regina stood up, and Emma and Killian unfroze as well. They all rushed into their room, "They took her...she gone" Emma cried.

Everyone head hung low, Mary Margret walked towards Liam cradle and picked him up. "We will find her" She said handing him over to Emma, "Liam will get his sister back" She said.

Emma smiled at her son, "I have hope..."  She said. "Just not that much" she whispered.

Last chapter...sorry

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