Chapter 17

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"What are you doing here?" Emma says angry

"I just came to see how happy you are all are now because it won't be this way for long" she says with a evil smile

"What do you mean?" Mary Margret asks

She laughed evilly," you'll can come in now"

A women walked through the door wearing a crystal clear dress that dragged when she walked. She slowly walked to Elsa side

"Who's that?"Regina asks

"My name is Ingrid"

"And what are your doing here?" Mary asks

"Well I'm just here to help my friend get what she deserves"

"That's right, and what I want" Elsa says and placed a hand on Emma's stomach,"is someone who can make that happen" she smiled and she and Ingrid vanished

"What just happened?" Emma asked shocked

"I think we have a new villain in town who wants to help destroy our happiness, and something tells me that she isn't doing it just for Elsa" David said and placed his arm around Mary Margaret's shoulder

Emma stands there paralyzed and looks at the door, Killian comes beside her and wraps his arm around her waist and whispers in her ear," it's alright love, everything will be okay, she won't touch a hair on our little girl, alright?"

She nods her head and they turn
around to look at the group

"So what are we going to do?" Emma asks

"Well by the looks of it, I'd say they both don't know that you have two infants in your stomach" Regina points out

"And we should keep it that way" Mary says,"we don't need both of them taken"

"I don't think she would" Regina says," the prophecy only mentions the saviors daughter, not her son, or sons for that matter"

"So what exactly do we do?" Emma asks again

"You are staying home with your mother, Neal, and Henry while the rest of us go out and look for her" David says

" I want to help" Emma protest

"I agree with your father swan, you should stay, you have already been through enough" Killian says


"No buts, you are staying" he says sternly

"Ugh" she sighs and they head out the diner

When they walked outside, the sky was black and night has fallen. Before they went their separate ways, Emma pulled Killian aside

"I'm capable of coming you know" she says with putting her hands on her hips

"I know, but you are going through a lot lately and I want you to be safe" he says

"Killian, they're dangerous, one has ice  magic while the other has...God who knows what" she lets out a shaky breath,"I just don't want you to get hurt"

"Emma," she was shocked, he never called her by her actual name. He put his hands on her cheeks," I'm going to be fine, if you haven't noticed by now I'm a survivor"

She laughs and kisses him sweetly never wanting to let go. She new going out there would be dangerous, but she also new he would be okay, she new that he wouldn't leave him. With all her thoughts she didn't realize how long they were kissing...and he didn't stop her.

"Killian" she whispers

"What?" He smiled against her lips

"You should go before they have to wait too long"

"Ugh" he sighs,"fine...bye swan" he says and pecks her lips

"Be careful" she says and she heads to the apartment with her mother, her baby brother, and her son


They groups headed off towards the woods, not having a clue on where they're going.

"So where exactly are we going?" Robins asks

"I'm not sure, maybe when we see ice on the floor we'll now that we are heading in the right direction" Regina says sarcastically

"On the contrary, you won't have to look very far" Elsa says appearing from behind the group. They turn around ready to fight her

"Ok, you have to stop doing that" Regina says annoyed

"Yeah well what are you going to do... stop me?" She says mockingly

"We can certainly try" she says and aims a fire ball at her. Suddenly her light went out leaving her confused

"Well I'm disappointed in your guys... I thought you could do better than that" Ingrid days appearing behind Elsa

"Oh trust me we can do a whole lot better" Killian says

"Well actually, you don't even have to try" she says and with her magic she disarms their weapons including Regina's magic


"Don't worry Regina it's only temporary" Elsa says

"Now onto the good part" she says and they both start walking towards them

"We may not have our weapons, but we can still fight" David says

"That won't be necessary" Ingrid says

"Then why disarm us?"

"So no one can stop us from our plan"

"What plan?" Killian asks

"You see we wanted you all to find us because right now we have a new strategy" Ingrid says

Before they could answer they were surrounded by a vortex...wind blowing everywhere making them unknown to sight. Robin and Regina held onto each other for dear life

After a little while the wind slows down leaving them seeing again to find Elsa and Ingrid gone

"What the hell was that?" Regina says

"Maybe it was a distraction for them to get away?" David asks

"I don't think so" Regina says looking around

"Why?" Robin asks

What Regina told them made them nervous to go back to the loft

Emma was sitting on the couch with a hot cocoa in her hands. She was awaiting Killian to come through that door just to make sure he was alright and loathed to be in his embrace. Mary Margret was in the kitchen with Neal in her arms and Henry on the bed reading comics. Their apartment was dead silent until the group came through the door looking down. Emma stood up and walked towards them, but something was off

"Well they got a way-"

"Where's Killian?" Emma asked

They stayed silent avoiding her question and eye contact

"Guys what's wrong?" Mary asked coming

"Well um you see-" Regina starts

"What?" Emma says

"Killian's missing"

Sorry for the may be like that for a while but keep reading

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