Tell Me A Lie: Chapter 4

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Louis' POV

three days later i had to return to england and finish tour.. i didn't like it.. but standing saying goodbye to Jen was never easy... her tears were the hardest thing for me... and i had a three hour drive and 13 hour flight to focus on the heartbroken women i left behind... it SUCKED! and worst part i had to deal with Harry’s bullshit again.. ughhhh

 "It's times like these I wish I had a clone who could go do all this stuff which would allow me to stay here with you/

" I mumbled as we approached security.

"I know.... but then it wouldn't really be you.. just some creepy clone guy.." she giggled.

"I don't care." I pouted. "The fans will get over it."

"I love you.. " she said, softly, hugging me as we stood in front of the gate, Emma staying put in her stroller, but being nice enough to shake my hand.

"Emma if you're not going to hug Louis can you at least say goodbye?" Jen said to her.

"Bye Louis," she said, politely,

"She can't wait to get rid of me can she?" I whispered, leaning my forehead against Jen's.

"She'll come around, it's more than last time..." she smiled, gently pecking my lips. I sighed as they made that call for my flight leaving in 30 minutes.. and i still had to get thru security. "I love you... call me when you get home..." she said.

"Always." I said before kissing her sweetly and tossing my bag over my shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you more Loubear..." she said, and I headed into security, as she walked away with Emma. "No cry mama... i sowwy i no be nice... i twy harder.." I heard Emma say as i got further and further away. I just got on my plane and cried as we waited. I was fucking exhausted by the time I got back to England and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed. But as per usual, management had other plans for me. We were slammed back into the tour bus for a charity benefit concert. When i arrived onto the bus i saw something hanging off oner of the bunks... bright orange... and off Harry’s bunk.

"Oi, what the heck is that?" I said as I walked towards his bunk. "You been wearing your Mum's bra again?"

"Nope.... from a girl i nailed over break..." he said from inside his bunk.

"Well then it's nice to see you're finally moving on." I responded as I picked up the bra. "Interesting color, not a lot of women would be game to wear or...." The rest of my words trailed off as something clicked inside my brain. Jeny.. orange set.. lost it... oh my god.. she wouldn't..... Harry poked his head out.

"Something finally connecting? I told you Louis.... temp.. or... rary.." he sounded out.

"No...she couldn't...she wouldn't." I choked out.

"She would and she did.... i got pictures.. wanna see?" he asked, thrusting his phone at me. I pushed it away, tears stinging my eyes.

"What's the matter Louis? Can't face the truth?" he said, looking all to pleased with himself.

"Fuck you...." I said, and walked off the bus to latch myself around Niall.

'Tell me he's lying.... tell me...." I begged.

"Jen and harry?" he asked.

"You know?" i whispered.

"He showed us photos..." he whispered, hugging me.

"Then tell me it's photo shopped." I pleaded. "I know Jen and she would never do that to me."

"It's not... Louis.. there's video too, he planned to rub it in your face..." he said. 

"I...I can't handle this Niall. Why? How? WHY?!" I wailed.

"I don't know mate.. you need to take it up with her...' he said.

"No." I said, coming out of his shoulder. "No, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to kill Harry, cut up his carcus and feed it to the Lions at the zoo."

"No.. no... Louis.. don't! we have a show to do....." he said. Just then my phone rang... jen's ringtone. "What?" i growled, answering it. "Louis... baby what's wrong?" she asked confused.

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong? nothing at all. I was just having a nice little chat to our dear friend Harold about orange panty sets. He seemed to know quite a bit about them." I said sarcastically hoping she'd catch on.

"Okay.... what for? i thought you hated him love?" she asked. "I do... even more so now..." I said. 'Louis, baby talk to me..." she said. "I found your panty set.... the orange ones... hanging off his bunk..." I snapped. 'How the hell did he get them?" she asked in shock. "Don’t play fucking stupid with me Jennifer!!!!! He has photos... videos of you two having sex!!! two days before i arrived..... YOU and I are thru!! how could you do this to me?!" i snapped, before ending the call. Damn touch phones... how the hell do you hang up angrily now a days... forcefully push end...... oooo that'll teach her.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh mate?" Niall asked me. "There may have been an explaination behind it."

"I don't want an explanation.. she cheated... end of discussion...." I said, firmly.

Jen's POV

WTF just happened? someone dear god tell me what just happened!!!!! Then my phone rang.. harry.... "What have you done?! how could you fake something so horrible?!" i spat. "Jeny.. im sorry.. it's not fake.. we were both.. very drunk.... VERY drunk.. and it just.. it happened, when i woke up the next morning... i was so in shock I hurried up and left.... and then i saw that stuff on my phone.. i wasn't gonna say a word.... till Niall saw me looking at them..... i found them when he did.. it's a shock to me too... im so sorry..." he whimpered.

"And why the fuck should I believe you huh?!" I shrieked, "How do I know you haven't manipulated me and everyone else around you?!"

"Why would I? forget it.. i don’t have to beg for your forgiveness.. i already lost you.. Emma.. and my best mates.... what more do i have to lose right?" he spat, before he hung up as well.

I swore loudly and threw my phone down onto the ground and curled up in the corner and sobbed.

"Mumma! what wrong?" Emma asked, coming in.

I wiped my tears away with the pad of my thumb. "Nothing sweetie. Mama's okay, she just needs an Emma hug."

"I got those!!" she grinned brightly and came over to hug me, "Mama.. when can we see harry again, i didn't get to see him when he was here last...."

"I ummmmm." I paused and cleared my throat. "I don't know Princess."

"I love you mumma..." she smiled.

“love you too princess," I said as she was snuggling.

Tell Me A Lie: Sequel to Meet and GreetWhere stories live. Discover now