Tell Me a Lie: Chapter 7

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Louis' POV

"Hey Lou.. hows it shakin?" Zayn asked coming into my place with Perrie who was carrying little miss Emma... What the hell?!?!?! why does he have Jen’s kid?? I pointed to the tiny person.

"Did Jen ship her hear? Or did she leave her behind?"

"No... she is living with Danielle... has been for almost a month now..." Perrie said.

"LOUIS!!!" Emma grinned and came over to sit beside me.

"Hi... I miss you... and im sorry I was so mean to you..... do you still like me?" she asked. Woah! Was not expecting this.

"Of course I still like you Emma." I said as I pulled her into my lap.

"Hawwy no wike me no more.. he no want to see me anymore...." she said.

"What do you mean sweetie?" I asked her.

"He told mommy he loved her... then shouted and yelled at her.... he never come around again......" she said.

"Come on emma... let's let Louis and Uncle Zayn talk okay.. let's go outside and play..." Perries said, as they headed out. I couldn't believe it.. broke Jen's heart.. then abandoned Emma? I never would have seen that coming.

Jen's POV

Emma was with Perrie and Zayn and I was cowering in Danielle and I's bathroom... holding that stupid stick.. with two pink lines on it..... this was bad... very very bad......

"Jeny!!! where are you?!" Danielle called out.

"IN the bathroom! ill be out in a minute.." I called back. I flicked my eyes back down at that damn test and prayed that the second pink line would somehow miraculously fade.

"Jeny.. are you okay?" she asked.

'Yes.. just not feeling well.." I said softly.

"Do you need anything?" she asked me as the door began to crack open.

"A good doctor..." I said, as she came in, and I handed her the test.

Her face fell and went slightly white. "Oh no." she said.

"Yeah......" I said, softly, "I don't know what im gonna do...."

She helped me up, 'Come on... I got a place we can go right now..." she said, and led me outside.. everything was kind of a blur after that.. arriving.. getting in to see the doctor.. and then of course the worst part.... finding out my conception date was the week I slept with both harry and Louis... oh god.. this is the worst thing ever.........

"This isn't happening, this isn't happening. This is NOT happening." I rambled as Danielle drove us back to her house.

"Jeny.. take a breath... you need to calm down, because you have to tell them both..." she said, softly.

"I'm not talking to Harry." I grumbled, folding my arms like a teenager.

"Jennifer... you have to tell him he may be a father...." she said.

“Why?! so he can call me a lying slut and tell me to go to hell?" I cried.

"He wouldn't dare because if he did I'll have Paul beat him up." she smirked.

"Well, I need to wrap my head around this first..... before I tell anyone..." I whimpered.

"I understand, but if you need anyone to talk to, then you can count on me and the other girls." she smiled.

"I know.. thank you..." I smiled as we arrived back to the house. I sighed and went inside to try and relax.. contemplating my first move.....

Louis' POV

Tell Me A Lie: Sequel to Meet and GreetWhere stories live. Discover now