Tell Me a Lie: Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

My plan was perfect... working amazing!!!! And I knew after this was done I had to make another trip to see her.. get the rest finished.

“YOU are so lucky I stopped him, you are a douche bag!!” Niall growled.

“Niall don’t lecture me... she wanted to be with me forever... I knew she made the wrong choice...” I said.

 "So instead you manipulate situations to make her miserable?" he accused. "Yeah Haz, that's a great way to treat a woman."

"Thats not what happened! He had a right to know... back off!!!!" I said, and snapped my curtain closed. Nosy leprechaun.... who knew he'd be too smart for his own good. The curtain was thrown open again and Niall was standing there wearing his angry face.

"No I will not back off Harold! Jeny is like my big sister! And if you're setting out to hurt her then that is NOT okay with me!"

"Well im glad you are looking out.. now BUTT OUT!" I snapped, shutting it again, "AND IF YOU RIP THAT OPEN AGAIN I swear to god I will deck you!"

"Yeah because I'm so scared of the Cheshire cat." he snarled as he stalked out to the back room. I huffed and got settled and tried to go back to sleep. Hmmppph hell with him....

Jen's POV

I hadn't spoken to Louis in almost two months.. he was avoiding my calls...... not answering my text messages.. I felt like I’d been stabbed in the heart.... And the worst part was I was currently standing at my front door staring at Harry Styles who had showed up at my door after their tour....

"Hmmm obviously the Harry repellent didn't work." I said while glaring at him.

"Jeny.. come on.. we were both so wasted... it was stupid and ignorant of me to take photos.. but I don’t even remember it....." he said.

"HAWWY!!!!!" I heard Emma squeal.

"Hey, there's my pretty girl!" he cooed, bending down to scoop her up. "Look how big you've gotten."

"I missed you!!!" she squealed and hugged him tight, "Are you staying for Tanksgiving?????" she asked brightly.

"If you're Mummy says it's okay then I'd love to." he smiled, sending me a pleading look from over Emma's shoulder.

I growled, 'Fine.... but you remember you are ONLY here for Emma!!!"

"Noted." he said as I stepped aside and let him in.

"Yay!! welcome to the nummy place!!" she said, as we entered into the house to see my parents, my brother... and my grandmother sitting at the kitchen table, and a spread of goodies on the extra table.

(photo to the side -------------> )

"Hmmm, you brought the jerk to dinner?" Kyle growled.

"Kyle!" snapped my Mother. "I don't care of you're fond of this young man or not, but you WILL treat him with respect. You understand?"

"but mooooom!" he whined.

"Kyle." Dad warned, giving him 'the look.'

"Yes sir...." he said, and hushed up.

"Sit..." I said, pointing beside Emma, which also happened to be across from me. We sat down, daddy did prayer, and then we began to eat.

"You guys do this every year?" Harry asked. I giggled a bit at his naive attitude.

“Umm yes.. it's an American holiday..." Mom said.

Tell Me A Lie: Sequel to Meet and GreetWhere stories live. Discover now