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Everything was blurry, it went by very quickly.

She saw a girl. She had blue eyes and black hair. Her face plastered with a look of worry.
"They took him..." She heard.
Took who?
"We have to go after him." She heard her own voice.

"Sabrina.." She heard her name over and over.

"Excellent work, Sabrina." Another voice came in, a voice of a grown woman.
She saw different faces in a tank full of water.

"What are you doing, Thomas? We have to get back or Ms. Paige will be mad." She heard her voice again.

Then she saw a boy with black hair facing the tank full of water.
"I can't keep doing this... We can't keep doing this." He said.

"Sabrina! Teresa!" She heard him.

Another voice spoke "Sabrina! Sabrina! Sabrina, stop!"

Then she heard loud blares of alarms, flashes of red, men in holding guns chasing her her, she saw herself running.


She shot up, beads of sweat resting on her forehead, breathing heavily.

It was just a dream. But... Were those memories?

Newt was there, sitting on her bed, holding her hand, worry on his face.

"You okay, Love?" He asked.
"Yeah..." She said, her breathing steadying, her hand on her forehead.
"Must be one hell of a nightmare, Greenie. You were shouting really loud, took me a while to wake you up." He said.

She was still looking into the distance.

Newt squeezed her hand gently.
"You sure you okay, Greenie? What did you see?" He asked.
"I'm fine, Newt..." She smiled. She didn't want to answer the question about what she saw. It was confusing at the same time frightening.
"Wait. How'd I end up here?" She asked.
"You fell asleep while we were at the bonfire, Alby thought, for your safety, that you should sleep in here. So I carried you inside..."
She blushed at the thought of that.
"Poor Chuckie felt bummed out you didn't get to use the bed he set up for ya. But don't worry you can sleep out there tonight if you want to." He continued.

"Anyways...Let's go, I have to show you something." He said standing up, helping her get off her bed.
"Hopefully you didn't wake up more than half the Glade." He said.
"Sorry..." She said, embarrassed.
"It's fine, nightmares are out of everyone's control."

She put on her boots, she turned red when she realized she forgot to give Newt his sweater back.

She took it off.
"Uh... I'm sorry.. I forgot to give it back to you." She handed him his sweater.
"Don't sweat it, Green Bean. Looked like you needed it last night." He said putting it on.

He extended his arm, signaling her to hold his hand.
"Come on, let's go get you a sweater before I show you what I'm gonna show you."
She took his hand.

They left and walked over to a shack, filled with boxes. He opened the lid of one of the boxes to reveal a trunk full of clothes.

"Here." He handed her a burgundy colored sweater.
"Goes with your eyes." He flashed a smile, causing her cheeks to go red.

Then as they were walking Newt pulled out a knife, scaring Sabrina.
"Uhh.. What are you gonna do with that?" She asked.
"Don't worry, Greenie. I'm not gonna hurt you... You know I never would." He chuckled.
"Then why did you bring it out?"
"You'll see..."

Soon they reached the walls surrounding the Glade.
As they stepped closer Sabrina could see names carved into the wall.

Newt gave her a small speech which she didn't really pay attention to, her attention still on the carved names, she saw some lines crossing out a couple of names.

"...now it's your turn." He handed Sabrina the knife.
"What happened to them?" She asked talking about the crossed out names.
"Dark days, Greenie." He looked at the ground.

Then she carved her name right next to Newt's.

"Now you better get to work, Greenie. I might not be able to join you today, Alby has something to talk about." Newt said as the two walked back to the Glade.
"With the track hoes again?" She asked.

Miss Greenie. || Maze Runner: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now