Hot Chocolate

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Because neither of them are careful, they take sips of their drinks when they're too hot, causing them to freak out and spill the hot beverages all over each other, making them screech even more.


Carter surprisingly has an obsession for hot chocolate. Every time Matt turns around, he has a cup in his hands full of it.


The couple love having contests, so they made one involving hot chocolate. They get whipped cream, syrups, sprinkles, and small candies, and try to make the most extravagant looking cups of hot chocolate. Then afterwards, they try each other's creations.


When they drink it together, they're usually all cuddled up next to each other watching TV.


Aaron offers him hot chocolate, but he declines, saying that the drink was for little kids. Only for him to be nervously asking him for a mug a few moments later.


This is a weird thing they do: they sit at a table with their mugs, acting like men at a bar.


Jack likes to keep his plain and simple, and Sam puts the world in his. At first, Gilinsk thought all the extra toppings would make it worse, but when he tried a sip, he did the exact same thing from then on.

Fan - Ship: @mgc-babygirl x Hayes

You finish mixing your drink together, so you go to get the whipped cream can to finish it off - except it isn't there. Confused, you turn back around to look for it, only for the substance to be sprayed on your face. Hayes stands before you with a smirk and the can in his hands. To get him back, you take the cream off your face and slap him with it. Continuing from there is a whipped cream fight; the cup of hot liquid now cold and forgotten, along with an empty can.

Hi fansie-pansies! Sorry I was late on this one. I had this school thing for like five hours and I got home an hour ago.

Today's headcannon goes to @mgc-babygirl - today's her birthday! So this is kinda my present (that and I may or may not have forgotten to check the comments). Happy birthday!

Comment here if you want me to make a headcannon for you for tomorrow's update!


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