Not So Very Good News

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I'm just gonna get to the point;

This story will not be continued.


1. I'm not loving it.

2. I don't think you guys like it either (don't try and comment to change my mind, I've already decided).

3. I didn't really plan out this story.

4. Admit it, this sucks ballsacks

With all the time I've used to update this, could've been time to update other stories that REALLY needed to be updated.

I'm sorry, but this story is discontinued, but I'll keep it up I guess.

QOTD: 1. Anyone take their midterms/finals recently?

2. Going anywhere special for the holidays?

3. What are you hoping to get for Christmas?

My best gift so far, my friend got us tix to see Troye Sivan Feb. 2016!

Have a merry halloween and a happy Christmas


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