Haven's P.O.V
Do you ever feel like your no longer living but just existing? Because that's how I feel right about now. My parents are forcing me to leave the house and do something with my life. No not like moving out just to leave the house, or, at least, I hope that's not what they mean.And so I here I was at the park a few blocks from my house scrolling through my twitter feed. Bored.
Like who wants to socialize these days anyway.
And so I sit there and wait for nothing to happen. I don't know why probably because I'm forced too. Yep, that's exactly why.
I take my eyes off the phone and finally take in my surroundings. I had been here with my parents a lot as a kid but now I was grown up and they were workaholic's. So to say the least we don't do much together.
I then scoop out my headphones from my back pocket and plug them in. Not long after the familiar tune of Fools from Troye Sivan bursts through my headphones. I hum along to the tune but then am soon interrupted by some random. Wait, hold up was I singing. Fuck I was singing wasn't I. But humming isn't singing or is it? Fuck I totally just sung.
I look up to find a blonde haired, blue eyed boy looking down at me. I take out the headphones and immediately I'm faced with the question. "What the-the fuck do you think you're doing". "Humming" I answer. Let's just hope all I did was humming. "Bull you were singing" he answers. "Wait are you drunk," I ask him, for gods sake I may have a pills issue but potions are something else.
"I might be" he slurs, Great just great. "Okay, then what's your name," I ask him. He looks at me puzzled for a few seconds before answering. "Lu-Lukey-Luke Hemmings" he finishes. Okay so mind my language but he wasn't only intoxicated he was shit faced.
Okay. So to be completely honest I had no idea how to deal with a drunk person. I had only been drunk a few times in my life and even then I wasn't the one helping myself now was I.
"Okay, Luke come sit down," I tell him as I stand up to grab his arm pulling him down on the bench. "Don't touch me" he growls. Wow, anger issues.
"Listen you're just going to have to shut up if you want me to help you," I tell him straight. Because believe me, there are about a thousand other things I'd rather be doing than this. Dealing with a drunk guy in a park.
"You-you I know you" he stutters, god not only was he drunk but he was stupid too.
I decide to play along and ask "oh really how". "I know you because you're like me" he answers. What the hell did that mean?
"Listen do you have anyone to help you get home," I ask him. He shakes his head, no.
"Great-okay how about you come to my place since I don't know where you live," I ask okay tell him, I tell him. He doesn't get a choice in the matter.
"And just so you know I am not some drunk" I yell stomping on his foot earning a groan from him. "Sorry just making a point", "It's fi-fie-fine fine it's fine" he answers.
And so I wrap his arms around my shoulders moving my own to his waist trying to keep a some form of sustainability.
We walk the blocks to my house, well he stumbles but it's all the same in the end. We end up there so why does the trip there seem to matter right?
Now it's my turn to stumble. We reach the house, me fishing for my keys that lay somewhere in my pocket. Which might I add is 100% tougher when you have a drunk teenage boy, or at least, he looked like a teenager. Maybe he just had a baby face I don't know.
"Okay buddy you can sleep on my couch but when you wake up you need to leave okay," I tell him, I mean he probably wouldn't remember this when he woke up but there was still a small ounce of hope in me that he would.
I open the door with my foot hearing a big bang as it hits the wall. Okay well bad enough I'm bringing a drunk boy home I also probably dented my parents wall, great. Wait, parents, he can't stay in the lounge they'll catch him
"Haven is that you," my dad's voice calls from the kitchen, "yeah I'm fine I'll be there soon I just have to do something in my room first" I assure him as I hurry to get this Luke guy up the stairs and into my room.
He stumbles a bit as I basically drag him keeping my hands over his mouth hoping he doesn't make any sound.
"Are you okay honey", "yeah dad I'm fine" I call, well that was very, unbelievable way to go Haven. He doesn't question it though what have I told you he doesn't really care neither of my parents seems too.
I knew my mom wasn't going to be home judging by the fact my dad was the one to answer to the sound of me.
I slam open my door and drag him into the room practically throwing him onto my bed. Good thing my parents never enter my room.
I ignore the groaning that comes from his mouth, closing the door and writing him a little sign that simply says 'don't leave my parents are home just wait till I wake up - Haven'. I left it at that and moved his body forward a bit making it somewhat comfortable for him.
I pull my fluffy white blanket over his built form and leave him to be. Soon racing downstairs to see what my dad wants.

Pills & Potions / l.h
FanficBroken boy meets Broken girl. Cover Credit: @-darkhearted