Untitled Part 1

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I often get these thoughts, and they aren't the good kind. I actually used to handle them quite well, they started coming about 4 years ago. Throughout the years, I've learned how to cope with everything that goes on in my mind. It gets overwhelming at times, but too much of anything can be overwhelming if you think about it. I'm not sure what the hell happened. Maybe I'm maturing, maybe I'm going insane. Everything is happening so fast, I'm not sure how to react to anything. These thoughts come and go, in little harmless waves. But recently they've become tidal waves that knock me down and bring me to the rock bottom. They've been destroying me from the inside out, I've lost my self worth. Sure, you say everyone has a purpose.

"Everyone matters."

Do you really mean it? Words come out of people's mouths out of instinct, it comes naturally. I'd imagine the words "you matter" come out because you feel the need to make me feel okay, just so you wouldn't come off as a bad person to others. People lie, its a part of being human. but things like this make me wonder how manipulative human beings can be towards each other. I'm not saying everyone says nice things and not mean it all the time, I'm simply saying it's quite possible, though.

now i just sit in silence.Where stories live. Discover now