3-1 Everything is Shattering?

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Emma hurried back to the studio, hoping that Troye hadn't locked up and left yet. How could she be so stupid as to leave her keys sitting in the sound booth? Now she was probably going to be late for her date with JC. As she rounded the corner to the studio she was so focused on the door and her keys that she almost missed him. Only through a corner of her eye did she perceive someone lying on the pavement and turned her head.

"What? Troye? What happened?" She shouted.

Then she saw the blood and Troye didn't respond. She rushed to his side shrieking, "Oh my god, Troye, help, someone help!" She rolled him over and saw the massive pool of blood emerging from his shirt. "Please someone help now!" she screamed as she took of her coat and tried to put pressure on Troye's wounds while fumbling for her phone to call 911.

Fortunately several people were only a block away and rushed over after hearing Emma's screams. One of them shouted, "I'm a nurse" and immediately came to take over first aid from Emma.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"Help. I just found my friend Troye lying on the sidewalk. He looks like he's been stabbed or something. He's bleeding a lot from his stomach. Help!" Emma pleaded.

"OK, what's the address?" the dispatcher asked. Emma provided the studio's address. "OK, is your friend conscious?"

"No. There's someone who says she's a nurse here doing first aid." Emma explained. She bent down over Troye and stroked his hair. He was still warm and still breathing, although sporadically, and getting paler by the second.

"Stay with me Ma'am. There's a fire station only a few blocks from there. They'll be there soon." the dispatcher responded. Within 30 seconds, Emma could hear the sirens.

The next few minutes were a blur. Two fire trucks, an ambulance and two police cruisers showed up. The police began securing the scene as EMTs backed Emma and the nurse away and began to work on Troye.

"He's got a pulse but it's weak"

"I've got compression started."

"He's losing a lot of blood. We need ice, oxygen mask and a transfusion ready in the bus."

"Does anyone know his blood type?"

"No...but I've got it in my records. Let me look." Emma called out and went to her phone.

"Who are you?" a police officer asked.

"I'm his manager....and a really close friend....I found him." Emma replied, still scrolling through her file on Troye's basics on her phone. "AB negative" she called out.

Within less than two minutes Troye was on a stretcher, shirt cut open, wrapped, oxygen mask applied and rushed into the ambulance. His blood could clearly be seen staining the compression bandages. Emma reached out and said a prayer as the ambulance took off at lightning speed, siren wailing.

"We need to talk Ma'am. Are you the one who found him?" A police officer asked, motioning Emma away from the scene. At this point three more police cruisers had arrived and several officers were examining the scene and talking to witnesses. Emma followed the officer over to one of the police cars.

"What's your name Ma'am?"

"Emma Barnes"

"And you said you found him?"

"Yes, I'm Troye's manager. I left him at the studio alone only about ten minutes earlier. But, I forgot my keys so I rushed back and that's when I found him. Who would do this to Troye?"

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