I'm not bluffing

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People who are telling me not to delete everything that they would cry go participate because I really honestly think half of the people who read my books could give a rats ass about me or my books and if you want to prove to me that I'm wrong don't inbox me comment on It's only you and I.

I named it that because I enjoyed updating for you guys I felt like you were a second family and now I don't know because I'm not getting a lot of reads on it votes or comments nothing if you guys say your  fans and would cry go comment and prove that people actually care. If people don't go comment and all that stuff I'm deleting my account on my birthday July 1st. That's it after that I'm done and I'll delete everything its gone poof bye. Please don't make me cry on my birthday because I don't want to cry on my birthday and I know I'm pulling a guilt card but please people. I'm trying to interact with my butterflies actually I don't even know if you guys are my butterflies anymore.  If you are prove it!


Btw if this was a competition all of you would be commenting and being all over this. So this is not unfair! 

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