It's Finally My Weekend. (Jalex.)

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His hand stayed on my thigh a little longer; the "he's my sweetheart" and "he's my man" jokes became a bit more frequent. The concerts became a constant lip-lock, and his fingers slipped in between my own almost everyday.

The set ended, and there he was, on stage, smiling widely, talking to the fans. "I love you, guys! Thank you so much! Now, me and Jack are going to kiss passionately in the bus. Wish us luck!" And with that, Alex's eye peered over to mine, and his smile seemed to get larger and happier, which had seemed impossible seconds before. Rian and Zack were already packing up, heading towards the back, meeting with fans. But Alex wrapped his arms around my waist before I could say anything to anyone. 

"Let's get to kissin', Barakat. Gotta keep my word to the fans," he laughed, squeezing me tightly. I let out a shaky chuckle, before nodding, "Of course, Mrs. Barakat." I heard him let out a breathy snort before his arms left my sides, heading over to the mob of fans for a signing. Chimes of giggles and screams hit my ears as Alex hugged some of the girls. Maybe one or two guys. I realized just standing awkwardly in the back was causing unwanted attention as Zack looked over at me, raising an eyebrow. 

In order not to be interrogated with "What's wrong, Jack," I put on a smile and danced into the crowd, trying to make the mob of fans laugh. Of course, they did, as always. I could drink water, and they would laugh. When someone yelled, "Kiss, again. JALEX," my eyes narrowed in annoyance. The wave of, "kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss," began, and I wanted to make it stop. I put my arms to my chest and made noises, causing automatic screeches of laughter. Sighing, in relief, I sat down. Of course, though, the mob had gotten Alex influenced, and he was hovering over me. 

"Gotta keep my word," he smirked, hand in my hair. I couldn't help but stare up at him in confusion. No. What was going on? He only did a few times in the past, but this whole tour was a chance for him to kiss me, it seemed. I hurried and turned my face so that his lips crashed into my cheek, and, seriously, in a joking voice, I huffed dramatically. "You don't have permission to kiss the king, Gaskarth." Laughter erupted from the crowd, but I couldn't help but notice Alex's smile become soft and sad, nodding.

"I apologize, your highness." His usually sarcastic, mocking voice was a weak attempt, and it sounded defeated. 

"Alex?" I whimpered, and he flashed another sad smile before turning to the crowd, signing their items. 

The signing was over within an hour, and my fingers were drumming on the table in the bus. Rian and Zack were passed out in the bunks, I was listening to Green Day, not really paying attention the music. I was more focused on the bus door. After the signing, Alex told Rian he was going to do some stuff. Nothing specific. I unlocked my phone and looked at the time. 

4:46 a.m.

I frowned as I went to my messages, deciding to text Alex.

To: Miss Gaskarth


Alex where are you?


I sent the message and waited. About 5 minutes later, the screen flashed, and I looked down.

From: Miss Gaskarth

You forgot the comma after my name. Anyways, I'm just outside. Come out here with me?


To: Miss Gaskarth


Alright. I'm coming. And shut up. No one cares about grammar.


From: Miss Gaskarth

Haha. Just come out here.


I sighed and lifted myself of the couch, slipping on some shoes and heading outside. Looking around, I saw legs hanging from the top. Before I could look up, Alex jumped down, smiling widely at me. I couldn't help but to grin at the guy. But suddenly, his smile wavered. It was a quick fall before his smile was up, again. I lifted an eyebrow.

"Alex? What's wrong?" 

He scoffed, waving his hand dismissavely. "Pft. Nothing is wrong with ME, Jack. I'm perfect." 

I frowned, grabbing his shoulders.

"Can you answer a questio-" My eyebrows furrowed as I sniffed his breathe. "You've been drinking."

"Just a little bit. Anyways, what's your question?"

I sighed, wondering why his alcoholic breath even sent anything off in my mind. We drink all the time. His head fell into my chest, and my eyes widened. 


"I'm tired, Jack. Hurry up with your question."

"Oh," I smirked, "It's nothing."

"I've got a question for you, Jack," he whispered in a nervous voice. He slipped off of me and looked up at me, his sad smile back on his face. His hand slipped behind my head, and he raised himself up, brushing his lips on my own.

My breathing hitched, and I could feel my heart beating rapidly. He stared at me before he finally kissed me. It was different than on the stage. His kiss was needy and desperate, fingers curling in my hair. I couldn't comprehend the situation fast enough before he pulled back. His small, regretful smile was still there, guilty eyes looking up at me.

"My question is why don't you love me back?"

With that, he collapsed in my arms, fast asleep.

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