Getting Out Of The Mess

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Maya's POV

The situation sucked big time. How had they come to this? Riley, Maya, Lucas.

Riley liked Lucas. Then she figured out that Maya liked Lucas. Then she said she loved him "as a brother". Then Maya tried to believe it. Then she and Lucas went on a couple of dates. Then Charlie asked Riley out.Then Farkle said that Riley still liked Lucas. Then Lucas didn't know who to chose.

What a mess, right? Yeah it sounds like it but the truth was way more simple.

Riley liked Lucas. Then Maya said that she liked Lucas too. Then Riley stepped back. Then the things between Lucas and Maya got pretty awkward. Then he got jealous of Charlie. Then Farkle said that Riley still liked Lucas. Then Lucas knew he liked Riley but didn't know if he should choose her or try something with Maya.

So now the joke was on him. Maya knew what would happen. At the end of the day Lucas liked Riley since the very beginning.

People used to say that they didn't know what they felt. The truth was that they were just twenty years old friends that felt too much and didn't know how to handle that. But they were certain what they felt.

Riley liked Lucas. She liked, loved him, whatever. Lucas felt the same. Maya liked Lucas a bit. That was it.

She would step back. It was the right thing to do.

She got in Riley's room.

Her best friend was sitting at their bay window, playing a game in her phone. When she noticed Maya she smiled brightly.

Here's the thing with Riley; No matter what happened, no matter where she was, she always was happy to she Maya. And Maya was happy to see her too.

Maybe that was what friendship meant. Loving each other no matter what.

"Hey Riles." ,Maya greeted her.

"Hi Maya."

Maya sat beside her best friend and looked at her.
Riley frowned.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?", she asked, "is everything alright?"

She looked worried.

"Yes, everything's fine. I just wanted to inform you that Lucas is yours." ,Maya said.

Riley's reaction was almost worth the pain. Her eyes got instantly bigger and a smile started forming. Then she realized that Maya was still there and she frowned deeply.

"Are you sure? Why?" ,she asked.

"Because I know him. And, God, I know you. You like each other too much."

It was obvious but it wasn't easy to say.

Riley's face darkened.

"He doesn't like me anymore. He is over me.", she murmured.

Maya smirked a little.

"Of course he isn't."

Riley's face turned hopeful.

"But what about you?" ,she asked.

"I'm going to be fine. Don't worry."

Riley frowned and shrifted uncomfortably on her sit.

"There was something I needed to tell you too, Maya.",she started.

Maya's heart got heavy. Riley looked really serious.

"What's wrong, Riles?"

She was worried. She just managed to kind of clear out one mess; she couldn't handle another.
So she sat there, completely blind to what Riley had to say, until the very last moment.

"He's coming"

It sounded like a horror movie. "He's coming to get you", "he's coming to kill you" but it was exactly the opposite.
Maya immediately understood who Riley was talking about. They never said his name. But now, with him coming back, she might as well start to.


Her voice cracked.

She didn't know what she felt about him anymore. Mostly because she tried to convise herself that she felt nothing.

It wasn't that she loved him. Not anymore. No after three years. But he had hurt her a lot. And she couldn't be angry, just like she was with her dad. The only thing she could do is feel sad. Because while hurting her, Maya knew that he himself too. Because he wanted to be with her. Because it wasn't his fault. They were just not meant to be.

He was coming back now and she had to be different. Of course, that's what she said the last time... But the thing is, now she had changed. She had gave him a shot. He wasn't just a dream anymore. Three years ago, for three days, he was reality. He was great as long as he lasted but they just didn't make it.

Maya remembered a painting she'd seen in a gallery a few months ago. The artist had draw Romeo and Juliet. It was a sad painting. An artist like Maya could see the pain that was all over that painting.

Romeo and Juliet. Destined to fall in love, no matter that others said the opposite. And then again, maybe they were just destined to fall, like this kind of lovers always are. Like she was.

"Peaches?"Riley's voice was soft and brought her back to reality.Maya turned to face her. Riley's eyes were full of worry."Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" she replied , but her voice was rougher than usual.

Someone knocked the door. Maya immediately jumped. She looked at her friend with wide eyes.

Riley laughed quietly.

"That's Lucas. You told him to come here, remember?"

She had done that? Yeah, she had. But now that felt like one hundred years ago, one hundred miles away.

Anyway, Riley got up and opened the door.

Lucas was there, tall and blonde as always. And it's true that opposites do attract but this time something clicked. All the ridiculous nicknames, the comfortable feeling that she had around Lucas until... well until she admitted that she liked him of course. How had she not seen this before? She was the one that liked him as a brother. She was the one that never felt her heart flatter because of him.

"Lucas, you're my brother", she said, "As you know Riley had been faking it all this time. But I'm serious Friar.I am completely, one hundred percent serious! And she likes you SO much. You are the first boy she has ever liked. So go easy on her, okay? And  DO NOT hurt her!"

All this came out quickly and she felt like a weight got off her. 
Lucas, though, looked like he just heard Einstein's theory. He seemed very confused. His eyes drifted from Maya to Riley and his frown slowly dissapeared.

-So it's just you and me again, huh?

Riley smiled.

-Yup. Just you and me.

With A Snap Of His Fingers / JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now