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Josh's POV


Suddenly the train stopped and Maya fell back. She fell back. She fell on him.

And he felt relieved. He tried to act like that feeling wasn't there because she fell on him and not another boy, but that was the reason.

That relief lasted 1 second. Then came the realizeation that Maya was in his lap.

No meaning to, he held her closer, his hands on her waist.  He didn't jerk his head back like he should have done. He moved even closer to her. Close enough to smell her, like he used to do. What really broke him was that she was still the same. Three years had passed but she was still the same. She smelled like cinammon and she was there for him to hold.

He felt a sudden urge to touch his lips on her neck. He didn't know why. He just knew that whenever she was around the room got warmer and more intense. He knew that when he was like that, hugging her waist and resting his head on her shoulder he traveled three years back, where he didn't have to resist the urge to hold her, to kiss her.

That was one day. Less than that. But still, it was the most alive memory Josh ever had. He took a deep breath and opened his until then closed eyes.

Maya escaped from his arms. She turned around to look at him, with a safe distance this time.

All Josh could do was stare. So he stared at her.

By then he didn't know how he felt about her but now everything was clear. She was Maya and he was Josh. He wanted her. He wanted her and only her. So what if he did a few things with Kathrin while he was in Phili? This time he wouldn't leave. And she wouldn't either. He'd be here for her. He'd be what she needed. A boyfriend, a friend...

All Josh could do is hope that she wanted him in his life. Because he ust wanted to feel her lips on her, just once more.


 He walked in his brother's apartment without knocking the door, which he found open.

He was headed right for Riley's room. He knew that she would be in there and he knew she wouldn't be alone.

He opened the door, once again without knocking, and he was caught by surprise.

Maya was sitting next to their bay window, looking outside. She was still wearing her red dress. Alone. When she heard his footsteps she immediately turned to see who was coming. When she saw him, she remained expressionless. He didn't blame her. Cory's apartment of course was the first place he would go.

With slow steps he sat next to her.

"Where's Riley?", he asked quietly.

"She's with Lucas. When she called me she was in his house. We talked again and I told her not to rush to come back. I bet she's having fun.". she answered.

Josh nodded slowly.

"That phone call on the train...", Josh smiled, "You are a very good actress."

Maya smiled too but kept her eyes outside the window.


Josh knew that she wanted to tell him something and so did he.

"Travis looks like a good guy.", he started.

'He is."

Something about her voice made Josh's chest tight. She sounded so sure. She sounded like she truly believed in that guy. And maybe she did. Maybe he was. Maybe he didn't have his moments with Maya every now and then and then left for three years.

"About the job...", he changed the subject.

Maya frowned surprised and turned her eyes to him. Josh knew that what he would say was stupid but if she asked him he would do it.

"If you don't want me to be around you every day, I can leave it. I'll find something else."

Maya turned away again. It was obvious that she had thought about it too.  Josh lowered his head. He was ready to hear everything for an answer.

"Keep the job. And I'll keep mine. And we're going to work together, which sucks big time, but we'll get used to it.",she said.

Which sucks big time.

It did for her. Josh knew what he wanted now, though. He knew that Kathrin and he had a history known to every boy or girl in their old college but Maya and Josh had a history on their own. It wasn't nearly as popular but it didn't matter. It was theirs and now it was done and Josh had no one to blame but himself.

"Then I guess I'll see you around", he said and did a move to get up.

Maya put a hand on his chest and pushed him back down. He looked at her, curious.

"What?". he asked.

"Who was that girl? On the train?"

Josh looked a bit awkward. Kathrin was really one of the things that he hoped that wouldn't come up. He was ready to answer when Riley came in the door. And she wasn't alone.

At her sides stood Lucas and Farkle and behind her came Brenda, Kathrin and Andrew. To Josh's surprise, Maya forced a laugh.

"Wow Riley! That's a whole parade", she said.

Riley smiled at her.

"They were looking for Josh", she shrugged. 

She walked towards them and sat between them like she had done once again three years ago. The others got in the room too. Lucas and Farkle sat casually on the bed while Josh's three friends were more hesitant and stood by the wall.

"Josh, do not do that ever again.", Kathrin said calmly.

Josh looked down. When Maya left the train he had followed her, pushing Kathrin back and not telling her where she was going. Maya had easily disappeared in the crowds. That's why she was first in Cory's house.

He suddenly wondered where the hell was he but he would aske later.

"I'm sorry.", he said. "I thought something was going on with Riley."

Kathrin just shook her head. It was one of the things that he liked and hated about her. She rarely got mad. She usually got sad or dissapointed. The thing was that when she got dissapointed you'd feel awfully bad. Just like Josh felt right now.

Brenda looked between them and then stopped at Josh.

"Are you two kidding me?!", she asked loudly, "Matthews, if you EVER disappear like that again I'll put your freaking head in a blender!"

Yeah, Brenda was another story.

Josh smiled. "Fine."

"Okay,", Riley said, "Now that you found him maybe you should go. Maya and I have a lot to talk about."

Kathrin left the room. Just like that. Quickly and soundeless. Josh pressed his lips into a thing line. He got up and followed her. Just before he walked throught the door, he turned around and looked at Maya.

She was already staring.

"See you at work", he said and followed his ex-girlfriend outside his brother's house.

With A Snap Of His Fingers / JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now