Going Back

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He sat on his sit and looked outside the small window.

His plain would take off for New York at any minute now.

Josh hadn't been in NYC since the time he fought with his brother about Maya. That was three years ago.

He was finally done with college. New York would offer him endless opportunities for jobs in one of the so many and so famous galleries.

So he sat on his sit and looked outside the small window. Beside him sat Andrew, his best friend, and Brenda, Andrew's girlfriend.

"Ready for New York, guys?", Josh asked casually.

"Oh yeah", Andrew said.

Brenda shrugged

"I've been there before.", she said.

Three years ago, she was there and offered him a place to stay when his own brother kicked him out. Brenda had kissed him then, but that kiss didn't lead to anything. When Brenda met Andrew she instantly fell for him and they were one of the greatest couples of Philadelphia.

"So Josh", Andrew started, "remind me; why are you so nervous?"

Josh was stupid enough to tell Andrew the whole Maya-and-Josh story. So , so stupid. Andrew reacted as Josh expected. He didn't stop talking about it. But that was his friend and he loved him so he managed to smile.

"Hey Andrew",he said , "knock it off ".

Andrew laughed.

"Stop mentioning it all the freaking time!" ,Brenda scowled him.

Then she turned to Josh.

"You should know, though; I knew it the second we walked through the door."

"Oh my GOD, I NEED YOU AT MY SIDE PLEASE!", Josh said, acting all angry he wasn't really.

"Hey Josh!" Andrew said, "I have a brilliant idea. Let me meet you to one of those hot stewardesses so you can forget that Maya."

Josh tried to glare at him but it was hard to repress his laugh. Right then a fat blonde sterwardess appeared and told them to be '"slightly less loud". Josh noticed that her face was ugly; her eyes were too small and she had too much make-up on. She had painted her lips black. She moved past them and Josh turned to Andrew.

"So hot that she turned me on", he whispered.

Andrew burst out laughing while Brenda shook her head and looked at the ceiling. But a smile was forming on her face.


Andrew and Brenda were sleeping. They hadn't slept good last night so they fell asleep immediately.

Josh's phone made a sound. It was its signature.

Josh picked it up to read the message. It was from Riley:

"Everything's fine. We are waiting for you. I told Maya you are coming. She said she's fine. Have a nice trip."

I told Maya you are coming. She said she's fine.

So he had to face her again. He didn't know what he felt about her. The only thing he knew was that he stiffened everytime he heard her name. The only thing he knew it that whenever he was talking with Riley about her she was mentioned just as a "she". He never said her name, even though Riley was bringing it up all the time. Well, now that he was going back he might as well start to.


He got off the plain with his back on his back. He walked with Andrew and Brenda on his sides. They went through all the tests and finally got out of the airport.

"Hello New Yooork!" Andrew said. "Are you ready for Andrew?"

The thing with Andrew is that he didn't even notice that people were starring at him. He was he and he wouldn't change for anyone
Josh always wanted to be as cool and sure. But he was Joshua Matthews. He had his own story.

"How could anyone be ever ready for this?!" ,Josh gstured at his friend.

"Yeah. One is not simply ready for Andrew" Brenda continued their little joke.

Andrew and Josh laughed. They walked slowly.

Josh loved it. He lovednwalking with them saying everything and nothing at all. They had managed to become a trio. Josh tried to hide it but he sort of felt like Harry Potter with his own Hermione and Ron.

But that was going to remain hidden.

They found a taxi. Andrew actually fell asleep in the trip from the airport to the hotel.

Brenda immediately some him up, murmuring "Unbelievable."

Josh was going to be staying with his two friends. It was the first holidays he didn't live with his family.
No actually it wasn't.

Normally, if he visited NYC he would crash at his brother's. This year, since his two best friends were coming along, he decided to be with them. Of.course there was another reason he didn't want to live with the Matthews. And that reason was blonde, beautifully short and had eyes that burned him.

When they got to their hotel they took their time to get ready. The three of them would share a room. The two of them would have beds and the other would sleep on the floor. They had decided that paying for another room was totally unnecessary. Deciding who would sleep on the floor wasn't hard at all. Brenda. For a moment there Josh actually felt embarrassed. They were two 23 years old boys on the beds and they let the only girl sleep on the floor. Then that feeling went away and he lied on his amazing bed and watched Brenda throw a sleeping bag between Josh's and Andrew's beds.

"What gentlemen you both are..." ,she murmured.

She always loved sarcasm and usually Josh loved replying to her sarcastic comments but this time he didn't want to push her to her limits. She was the one sleeping on the floor.

He decided that he would visit Corey the next day. He'd go alone. This night was going to be the trio's.

He had one night to explore New York and tomorrow morning he was going to face persons he hadn't dealt with since he was twenty.

He knew that he could ask his his friends to come with him. They would. But he knew he had to do this on his own. Some walks you have to take alone.

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