Speaking Out

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Kyla- 11
Loki- 16
Thor- 17

Today, Odin has guest over for dinner. He has warned his children to be on their best behavior. Odin and his guest have to discuss something that is happening in the village.

Kyla is in the lybrary, reading about all the creatures in Asgard. Someone knocks on the door. Kyla looks up. It's Loki.

"It's time for dinner, we can't be late today, father has guest." Loki says. Kyla closes her book and goes with Loki.

When they get to the dinning room, Odin's guest is already there, so is Odin. Loki and Kyla take their seats. Thor walks in right after them. Odin is one end of the table, his guest at the other, where Frigga would normally sit. But she gladly moves for guest, now she will sit by Thor. Thor sits to the left of Odin. Loki sits to the right of Odin. And Kyla sits by Loki.

Odin's guest has a scar from his forehead, down his nose, and onto his right cheek. Kyla looks down at her plate to try and keep herself from staring, she knows it's rude. Dinner is brought out. They all start to eat.

"There is a problem in the village. I have heard that you are the best at dealing with these sort of things." Odin says.

"That depends." Odin's guest says. "What might this problem be?"

"A Bilgesnipe." Odin says.

"I have delt with these before. What would you like to be done with it?" The guest asks.

"It will have to be killed." Odin says. Kyla looks up.

"You can't do that!" She yells as she stands up. Everyone looks at her.

"Kyla." Firgga whispers shaking her head. Kyla looks at her mother and then back at her father.

"You can kill that creature, what did it do?!" Kyla continues to yell.

"Kyla, do not speak out of turn. This does not consern you." Odin warns.

"You can not kill that creature! It didn't do anything! You shouldn't go and kill an innocent creature." Kyla yells, and she points to Odin's guest, he just looks at her. Kyla turns and looks at her father, Odin gives a warning glare. Kyla holds her stare.

"Thor, Loki, I suggest one of you remove your sister from the room." Odin says, not taking his eyes off of Kyla. Before Thor can do anything, Loki speaks.

"I'll take her." Loki says. He stands up and grabs Kyla by the arm. "Come along Kyla."

"But-" Kyla tries to protest. Only to have Loki cup his free hand over her mouth.

When they get out of the dinning room, Loki takes his hand off of Kyla's mouth, but he keeps a grip on her arm. Loki pulls Kyla all the way up stairs, and into her room. He shuts the door behind them. Then he turns back to Kyla.

"Why would you do that?!" He asks.

"They shouldn't kill that poor Bilgesnipe! What did it ever do?!" Kyla says.

"Kyla!" Loki says his voice is angry. Kyla's face drops, Loki has never said her name like that. Loki sees Kyla's face drop and he sighs. "Kyla, have you ever seen a Bilgesnipe?"

"I-I read about them in a book. They don't seem that bad." Kyla says.

"OK, do you remember those day when me and Thor went out and when we returned we had cuts and broken swords?" Loki asks. Kyla nods. "When we went those days, we went and conquered Bilgesnipes. They are horrid beast. They do not care if they kill someone. All they know is kill and eat. Do you understand? They are not innocent creatures."

"I didn't know." Kyla says. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are. But it is not me you have to apologize to." Loki says he looks down at Kyla. "You have to apologize to father's guest."

"What?! That would be embarrassing! Please don't make me!" Kyla begs.

"You will apologize Kyla." Loki says. Kyla looks down.

"OK." Kyla says, she really doesn't want to.

"Come along then." Loki says.

"You mean I have to do it now?" Kyla asks.

"Yes." Loki says as he holds open the door. Kyla sighs and then walks out of the room.

Dinner is over now, Loki and Kyla walk to where everyone is at. Kyla walks up to the man with the scar.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to disrespect you." Kyla says. She expects the man to be really mad and say she should have known better or something. But he doesn't.

"That's quite alright. You spoke your opinion, I like that." The man says. "I actually got this scar dealing with a Bilgesnipe."

"I didn't know that." Kyla says.

"It's alright child. But I think your father is mad. Go before he comes out." The man says. Kyla smiles.

"I never got your name." Kyla says. The man smiles.

"Jaeger. Jaeger the creature hunter." The man says.

"Nice to meet you. And thank you." Kyla says. Just then her father starts to walk out of the dinning room. "I'm Kyla, bye."

Kyla runs to her room before her father can see her. Jaeger took care of the Bilgesnipe. Kyla liked that man, and hopes to see him again.

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