Another Nightmare and Something New

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Kyla- 12
Loki- 17
Thor- 18

Loki was woken up by someone crying. Within seconds he knows how it is. Loki gets up out of bed and goes to his door. He goes into the hallway, and to the next room. He opens the door and walks in, shutting the door behind him.

Kyla looks up at Loki. Loki walks over and sits one her bed. Kyla falls into Loki's arms and cries into his shoulder. Loki holds his little sister. She calms down after a minute, but stays in Loki's arms.

"The nightmare again?" Loki asks.

"It's getting worse Loki. I'm starting to hear the screaming, I-I can hear the screaming." Kyla says. Kyla has been having this same nightmare more and more ever since she was five. At first it was like once a year, now it's once a month."

Kyla starts to cry again. She buries her face deeper into Loki's shoulder. Loki hugs her, then he looks around the room. He is shocked at what he sees.

"Kyla." Loki says. "Kyla, look up."

"What?" Kyla asks.

She looks up, everything in her room is floating. Her desk, her chair, her books, even her bed, with her and Loki still on in. She gasp, when she does, everything falls.

"Loki! Why did you do that?!" Kyla asks.

"I didn't do it." Loki says, Kyla looks at him confused. "You did."

Kyla's eyes go wide.

"What?! No way, stop messing with me." Kyla says.

"I'm not messing with you Kyla. You have magic." Loki says, then be thinks of something. "Your nightmare."

"What about it?" Kyla asks.

"You said that it looked like your parents were using magic and you ended up outside and you don't know how, right?" Loli asks.

"Yeah." Kyla says.

"I asume that your parents did have magic, and you do too." Loki says. "OK try to teleport yourself, that is one of the basics. Just think about it."

Kyla closed her eyes thought about teleporting herself across the room. When she opened her eyes she was across the room.

"It worked!" Kyla said.

"All right, now try to double your self." Loki said.

"OK." Kyla said. She true to double herself, and it worked. She tried to make the other her disappear, and she did. "This is amazing, but how am I going to learn how to do more stuff and control my magic?"

"I'll teach you." Loki says.

"Really?! Yes! Thank you thank you thank you!" Kyla says, she runs over and hugs Loki.

"But you have to promise to take it seriously, and show up to all of your lessons." Loki says.

"I will! I promise." Kyla says. They hear a door open in the hallway.

"OK make a double of yourself, Thor will fall for it." Loki says.

Kyla makes a double of herself as Thor walks by her room.

"Hello, Kyla and Kyla." Thor says with a yawn. He keeps walking, then stops, turns around, and looks back into Kyla's room. "She has magic? Great now there are two of the doubling siblings."

Loki and Kyla burst out laughing. After that night, Kyla has never had that nightmare again.

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