The Ring

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Kyla- 23
Loki- 28
Thor- 29
Jace- 25

Kyla and Jace stand under the tree that they did so many years ago. The tree that only has branches and leaves on one side. It has been eight years since Kyla and Jace first met. Today is actually the same day that they met all those years ago. Kyla smiles up at Jace, Jace smiles back. Jace picks Kyla up, spins her around, then puts her down, he drops down on his knee. Kyla looks at him confused, Jace just smiles bigger.

"Kyla, I love you. I have loved you since the day I first laid eyes on you. And I will love you forever." Jace says. He pulls out a flower, a blue rose. He hands it to Kyla. When she takes it, she sees something in the petals, a ring. A beautiful silver dimond ring. "Will you marry me?"

Kyla cups her hand over her mouth when she hears what Jace just said. She takes the ring out of the flower. She smiles so big it would hurt if she wasn't so happy. Kyla tackles Jace in a hug.

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" Jace says. Kyla pulls away and looks at him, she nods. "I love y-"

Kyla grabs Jace's shirt collar and kisses him. Then she pulls away and smiles.

"I love you too." Kyla says. Jace smiles and kisses her again.

Back at the Palace

Kyla runs in the door of the palace. Jace had gone home to tell his family. Kyla runs through the palace, looking for her brothers. She runs to the lybrary, not knowing why she didn't think of that first. Loki is in there looking through his spell book. Kyla runs over to him. She jumps up and hugs him. Loki didn't even see her walk in, so he is a little surprised, but he catches her.

"What's this?" Loki asks. Kyla jumps down and smiles up at him. Loki raises an eyebrow. Kyla simply smiles bigger.

She starts to walk in a circle around Loki. She is humming and moving her hand in front of Loki's face. Loki notices right off. He grabs her hand and looks at the ring.

"Jace?" Loki asks, even though he knows the answer.

"Yes!" Kyla says. Loki just smiles, shaking his head at her childish excitement, but he wouldn't want his little sister any other way.

"I'm happy for you. Now let's just hope your new fiance will last until the wedding." Loki says.

"Why wouldn't he last?" Kyla asks.

"Because I fill like I want to kill him." Loki says, Kyla shoves him.

"Loki! No!" Kyla says.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding....sorta." Loki says.

"Loki!" Kyla says again. Loki smiles at her and ruffles her hair. "I'm going to tell Thor. Where is he?"

"In the dinning hall, where else." Loki says. "You should just see if he notices, don't tell him right off."

"OK." Kyla says.

Loki and Kyla walk out of the lybrary and to the dinning hall. And sure enough there Thor is, stuffing his face with sweets. Kyla walks over to him.

"Hi Thor. Look I painted my nails." Kyla says, holding out her left hand.

"I see no paint on your nails." Thor says. Loki looks at him with a 'are you kidding' face.

"Sure you do, it's right there." Kyla says, she puts her hand closer to Thor's face.

"I still see no paint. I only see a ring- wait. A ring? An engagement ring!" Thor says.

"Yes Thor." Kyla says.

"How did you not see that sooner? Are you that blind, ya big oaf?" Loki says. Thor glares at him, Loki glares right back. Thor finally just shakes it off and turns back to Kyla.

"I will help prepare your wedding! It will be the biggest thing that has ever happened in Asgard!" Thor says. Kyla smiles. "I will start the preparations now!"

Thor walks out of the dinning hall. Loki turns to Kyla.

"Don't worry, I'll help, everyone knows we can't trust Thor. He will make it into some sort of battle. Battle of the wedding." Loki says. Kyla laughs. "So when do you want to have it?"

"Well I was thinking............."

A Few Months Later, the day before the wedding

Thor and Loki stand outside of Kyla's door. They hear her crying. They look at each other with worry covering their faces. Loki softly knocks on the door. They don't hear an answer. Thor opens the door.

"Kyla?" Loki asks. Kyla is laying on her bed with her head buried in her pillow.

She looks up, her eyes are red and her face is wet from tears. Sadness rushes over Loki, he hates seeing his sister cry. Loki walks over and sits on the edge of Kyla's bed. He puts a hand on her shoulder. Kyla looks at him, she sits up and hugs him, crying into his shoulder.

"What's wrong Kyla?" Loki asks.

"It's stupid, I'm a grown women, I shouldn't be crying over this." Kyla says. Loki is about to say something when Thor interrupts him.

"Loki." Thor says, Loki looks up. Thor holds out a peace of paper. Loki takes the paper and reads it. He can't belive what he just read. He looks back down at Kyla.

"You have every right to cry." Loki says.

"I just can't believe he won't be here." Kyla says, she has calmed down now, but she still stays where she is, hugging her brother.

"It's OK. Everything else will still be perfect." Loki says trying to cheer Kyla up.

"But who will walk me down the aisle. He waited so long to tell me. My wedding is tomorrow." Kyla says.

"We will walk you." Thor says.

"Yeah we can walk you. That's actually a good idea." Loki says.

"I know it is not traditional, but we both shall walk you down the aisle." Thor says.

"Really?" Kyla asks.

"Yes." Loki and Thor say in unison.

"Thank you." Kyla says.

My Dearest Daughter
I am very sorry my daughter. I will not be able to attend your wedding. The war has dragged on, and there is no way for me to make it back in time. There is nothing more I would rather do than come to your wedding. It pains me to have to tell you this, especially through letter. I am very sorry my daughter.
I send this letter with great sadness.
Your Father,

Thor and Loki Fanfiction:  Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now