December 5th, 2015

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Ok. It's been awhile. I'm really sorry. I had to think about things. And I had lots of ideas, but I never decided to write it down.

So I decided to write about my life. When I grow up. What houses I want to live in, how long I'll be with my husband, who it'll be, etc. Let's start.

So, in this case, I'm marrying KC. So yeah. So, what happens is that we start dating at the end of grade 8 (this year), and we have our first kiss on the grad trip, on the 2 day. Or, that night. So yeah.

We date until grade 10, where we get in a fight. So we break up, and I'm heartbroken. And I broke up with him, cuz I thought he didn't love me anymore. Oh, btw, we admit we love each other in grade 9, over the summer. I think. Well, I try to get over him. But for a week after our breakup, I just sit in bed and cry.

So I start dating this other douchebag, just to (try and) get over KC. Anyways, we date for a month, and then he cheats on me. So me, being the idiot I am, had really liked him. So anyways, 2 days after we break up (it's almost the end of grade 10 now) everything hits me. KC, missing him, still loving him, all the stress of school, and all of this. And I don't leave my bed for 3 days. I shower, I go to the bathroom, but I don't leave the house. Not even for school. So my best friend, April, gets worried, and being the best girl in the world, does to KC and tells him to go over to my house to help. But he's hesitant, cuz he thinks I don't love him. So my mom texts him, using my phone, and tells him to come over. Then she says "did you break my daughters heart, KC?" Then he says "I really hope not, because that would break mine." And then he runs upstairs, and comes in my room. So we talk all night, and we end up getting back together.

This stuff isn't important.

So my first house. It's with bestie. It's going to be a bachelor pad, and we are going to have it after university, or college. We live together as we get our work careers going. I want to do interior, or astrology or something, but yeah. So we had decided to call of the relationship, due to distance, but we get back together now.

2 years later, at age 24, April and I move to NYC, to live in a 2 story apartment thingie. So, basically, KC and I are always together at this point, and 1 year and 2 months of living in NY, he proposes. Idk how. But he does. I say yes, and right away I call Apirl and I'm like "GUESS WHOS A MAID OF HONOUR NOW???" So she's with a guy at this point too.

Anyways, we are engaged for about 11 months, until we get married, in June. It's an outdoor wedding, in Aprils dads backyard. Anyways, we are 26-27 now, and I get pregnant with my first kid when I'm 27.

So, 9 months later, a baby boy is born, and his name is Isaiah Christian Tag (KC last name)

So we have only him for 5 years, and then, I get pregnant again. And it's twins. So we move to a nice, 4-bedroom house (for when they want their own room) and I give birth at age 33 or something. So the first twin, who is a hour older, is named Phoebe Aleenah Rose (last name) and the other one is Anastasia Kameryn Caitlynn (last name)

So they get along, until they turn 12. Then the drama happens. Isaiah always have them boy advice, but they end up liking the same guy. Well they compete, until they start fighting so much at home, and KC and I step in and help. They agree he isn't worth sisters fighting, and they get over it. But they are starting to find their differences, like hair, interests, and so Phoebe moves to the empty room. Then, at age 19, when the twins are 14, and both have boyfriends, Isaiah goes to university, to be a Pilot. The girls keep living life, and everything is well. Then my mom dies, and I can't stand it anymore. My mom and I were so close. The twins come home one day, and I'm just balling my eyes out, with KC standing there, comforting me.

We go to the funeral, and it's a sad time. I get through, with the help of the kids and my husband too.

So we live very happily and stuff. Yeah.

I'll put one up tmo, for my life if I don't marry KC, and it's a different guy.

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