November 1, 2015

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Only 364 days until next Halloween! I don't know if it's enough time, but we can manage. 🕷🕸

I'm so excited for............ CHRISTMAS 🎄☃⛄️

I love fall. I'll tell you my favourites in order.

Fall- it's so pretty! Even though everything is dying, it's going into a nice, beautiful sleep until the spring (blech) and it's so gorgeous. The colours are just..... indescribably amazing. And it's so romantic. Walking through the park, sharing warm drinks, wearing the boys jacket, cuddling up. Ugh I'm such a hopeless romantic. It doesn't help I'm watching the notebook at this very moment. Anyways, I could go on and on but I won't, because my next one was a very close second.

Winter- snowflakes in your hair and on your eyelashes, bundled up and rosy cheeks, ugh it's just so nice. And I love when KC's cheeks get rosy and his nose goes red, and I love wearing sweatpants and sweaters, and scarves and stuff. I just..... GAH I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

Summer- I really liked my summer this year. I wrote about going to PEI with my best friend, April, and it was nice. The weather was very nice, and I want that kind of summer every year. Go to some place with beautiful scenery, friends and a beach and I'm set. Again romantic as hell! Well, truly, it's more than romantic as hell.

Spring- the only non-romantic season, and that's no lie. My nose is too stuffed up, my eyes to puffy and my throat to phlegmy for anyone to find me attractive. Also, too many bugs at that point. Yeah, sometimes it's pretty, seeing the leaves come back in. I can find something pretty in every season. I. Just. Don't. Like. Spring.

So anyways, I have a date for every season, with KC and Adrian, but that will be the next 2 chapters.

Ok. So look for those chapters.

Later Gators 💝💖

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