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C h a p t e r  T w o

I looked at Troye through the bookshelves, hoping that he wouldn't spot me. Yes, as of right now, I was being one of those creepy lovesick girls stalking their crush, hiding behind a bookshelf every time he turns around. The only difference was that I wasn't lovesick. And that Troye wasn't my crush.

Okay, maybe I was lovesick, but not for Troye.

What could have possibly ended me up in this situation, you ask?

You see, while I was having lunch just now, My genius self had decided to find out what exactly Troye likes. Then, at least while he was tutoring me, I could strike a conversation or two. I came to the library without the intention of being in this situation, but the second I saw him here, I decided that this was my chance. So, I seized it.

So here I was, on my tippy-toes, trying to get a view of the book he was currently skimming through, only to be greeted with a view of his muscular back.

In an attempt to tip-toe even more, if that was possible, I used the weight of the shelf to push myself up, finally getting a view of the book he was skimming through.

I leaned forward, trying to make out the words printed on the old yellow pages of the book, only to effectively shake the entire bookshelf. I lost my grip on the bookshelf, and landed on the floor with a loud thud, along with five other books that had fallen out of its place in the bookshelf.

Great job, Virginia. Just fantastic.

The librarian shushed me, reminding me to be as quiet as possible because I was in a library. I picked up the books on the floor, one of them catching my eye.

As I reached my hand out to pick it up, another hand suddenly appeared, picking the book up before I even had a chance to read the name of the author.

I immediately looked up, only to meet the gaze of my stalkee.

"Here, let me help you," Troye said, while picking the books up from the floor and returning them back to the shelf where I had been climbing previously.He stretched his hand out towards me, to help me get up from the floor. I took his hand, and he pulled me up with much, much more force than needed, causing me to slam into his hard chest.

Did I look that heavy?

The second he realized what position we were in, he immediately stepped back, letting me stand on my own two feet rather than leaning onto him for support.

"Thank you," I said, not allowing any signs of embarrassment or oh-shit-he-caught-me show. I gave him a cool glance, thrusting my hand out to shake his hand in a business like manner.

He looked at my hand, and then at me, cluelessly. When I still said nothing, his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"I'm Virginia, and you'll be tutoring me Physics. I believe we have yet to meet, so I look forward to receiving your help." I stated, in the most businesslike voice I could muster, hoping he didn't remember the five-second almost conversation that was a major failure.

"Actually, we already did meet. Yesterday, in class, remember? I vaguely remember you sitting on Aria's seat. I'm Troye." Troye shook my hand and smiled at me, "Mrs Peterson told me that I had to discuss when and where exactly to tutor you."

Damn it, he wasn't supposed to remember. God, that was embarrassing.

"Do you want to go outside? The library is a little to quiet to discuss." I whispered, for a dramatic effect, hoping he would be convinced to come outside with me.

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