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C h a p t e r F o u r

I intentionally stepped on one of the dried up leaves, a satisfying crunch resonating through the empty autumn air.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Christian had said, that he knew my mom. As far as I know, all the people my mother is acquainted with came only from the club. I was just thankful he didn't say anything else when I excused myself to leave immediately after he said that.

Does Christian work at the club or something? Or was he just a frequent visitor?

But that couldn't be right, strip clubs didn't disclose the names of the ladies who worked there. Christian had to be someone who personally knew my mom.

I shook my head, wanting these stressful thoughts to get out of my head. All this thinking was literally hurting my head, and I'm pretty sure I've done enough thinking being tutored by Troye for four hours.

I have to say that Troye was a pretty good teacher, though.

He was also a pretty good distraction.

While he was trying to explain how the formulas had to be applied, his eyes would often be wide and filled with enthusiasm. When I couldn't understand the concept, his eyebrows would be knotted together while he bites his lip, thinking of different ways to explain things to me. He constantly ran his fingers through his hair, somehow making it seem sexier instead of messier. There were moments when he grabbed the pencil from me, the few seconds of our hands colliding giving me a feel of his rough hands.

As you can probably tell, I paid closer attention to him than the actual topic of Physics.

I sighed, realizing that if I had to keep studying with him on the dinner table, we wouldn't have any privacy unless nobody was home.

I stepped on another leaf, the crunching sound making me grin in satisfaction.

This was one of my idiosyncrasies, stepping on crippled up leaves while I was walking. The leaves that created loud, crunchy sounds were my favorite, and the ones that barely made a sound were the disappointing ones. I don't know what it was about it that made me like it so damn much. Maybe it was the feeling of it, or the sound.

Fallen leaves were what made Autumn my favorite season.

When I finally reached the familiar house that I had been staying in for my whole life, I saw my mom's car parked out front. It was one of the cheaper cars in the market, nothing new or fancy.

I didn't have the money to buy myself a car, most of the money was used on shopping.

But now that I had a job and rarely go out to shop because I didn't have friends to shop with, I had a lot of extra money. And I wasn't really sure what to do with it, so I just left it in my bank.

With the knowledge that my mother was home, I entered the house as silently as possible, slowly clicking the door shut behind me. I tiptoed across the floor, holding onto the railings of the stairs tightly. When I successfully got to the top of the stairs, I did a quiet victory dance, proud of my accomplishment.

Except, the dance was anything but quiet. I stared in horror- it was like everything was playing out in slow motion- as the vase next to the stairs fell. I thanked my lucky stars, for the fallen vase remained intact.

Until it started rolling down the stairs.

"AAAHH!" I let out a war cry as I attempted to catch the vase, failing miserably, feeling defeated as I watched the white and blue vase roll down the stairs, the loud sound of porcelain crashing wood reverberated throughout the empty house. I was in a position where I was on my knees. I held my face in my hands, mentally cursing myself for doing the fucking dance. If I hadn't accidentally kicked the vase, none of this would have happened and I could have slipped into my room like the ninja I was.

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