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C h a p t e r T h r e e

I blindly moved my hands around, trying to find the familiar material of my soft white blanket. After finally feeling the hem of the blanket around my fingers, I tugged the blanket until it was wholly covering my body and face, changing the color behind my eyelids from a light red due to sunlight to a dull black, my blanket blocking the sunlight.

Satisfied, I murmured several incoherent words, before letting a grin make its way onto my face as I sunk deeper into the bed sheets, feeling like I was floating on cloud nine.

Just as I was about to get back into my dream world, I felt a pounding headache start on my head. I groaned, the feeling of comfort and happiness I felt this morning suddenly vanishing, almost ceasing to exist.

I sat up and shoved the blankets off my face, before cracking my left eye open, trying to get familiarized with the brightness of the afternoon sun. I finally managed to open both my eyes, squinting, I got off the bed.

I went to my door and pushed it, trying to get it to open. When it wouldn't open, I kicked it, frustrated at myself for being too weak to open the door.

My throat felt dry and I had an overwhelming urge to drink an entire gallon of water. Nothing was going to get in between the way of me and water. Not even my stupid bedroom door.

I pushed the door even harder this time, willing for it to open. I was absolutely annoyed, and that annoyance made me want to rip out the doorknob. I yanked the doorknob, pulling it hard, expecting it to rip from the wooden door, splinters flying everywhere.

Instead, the door opened.

Right, I was supposed to fucking pull, not push.

I slapped myself, grumbling a string of colorful worlds under my breath. I groaned out loud obnoxiously when I realized I had to go down the fucking stairs.

I sat at the edge of the steps, leaning my head against the cool surface of the vase next to the stairs, already feeling myself falling asleep.

I feel like shit.

• • •

I held a cup of coffee in my hands, reading the note that my mother left me before leaving for her job last night.


A young boy your age dropped you off last night, he sent you to bed. I hope your hangover gets better. I wont be back till Tuesday, I'm going out of town for a little while. I left cash inside your bedroom. Stay safe, I love you.

Also, we have things to talk about when I get back.

Love, Mom.

A young boy dropped me off last night? Who could it be? I squeezed my eyes shut, wanting my brain to remember who took me home last night and what happened at the party.


Slowly, flashbacks from last night started coming back to me, instantly making me feel even crappier than I already do.

The couch, the almost kiss, our close proximity, me telling him my address, and most of all: I remember that I didn't have sex with him.

My first failure.

Well, technically it wasn't exactly a failure due to the fact that he wasn't drunk, but it still was failure enough.

God, I seemed so desperate yesterday. Help me, I'm a fucking embarrassment.

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