♪ c н α ρ т ε я σ η ε ♪

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♩ Rami ♩

      Rami Sonic crouched in the snow, fidgeting as she waited. They'd call for her in a moment - she could feel it. Today was Sam Kristan's sixteenth birthday, and it was time for her to die.

      Rising to her paws, the small wolf gazed out across the white landscape and wondered what Sam was doing at this very moment. Was she praying to live, like so many others did before they were summoned? Or was she eager for it to be over, to join them in their snowy fortress?

      A shudder shook Rami's body, and she lowered her head as the wind cut through her night black fur. She simply couldn't understand why any one would look forward to the end of their human life. It meant leaving behind friends and family, giving up a college experience. Never following your dreams to become an actor or doctor or singer or whatever you'd planned to be.

      Rami had always wanted to be a reporter for the local newspaper. She had loved to feel involved and be up to date on everything, and her love for writing had been even greater. So when her high school counselor had suggested the newspaper club, she was easily hooked on the idea. She had just been moved up to a senior reporter position when her birthday had rolled around.

      And now she'd never follow her dreams. Letting out a sigh, she shook snow from her fur and stood waiting, ears perked forward. For a moment all was still, then a throaty howl broke the silence. Ace was calling for the Guardians to gather.

      Leaping forward at a flat out run, Rami shot across the snow covered ground at a speed rivaled only by the Alpha's. Pushing herself even faster, again she found herself awed by how swiftly the Guardians could move. It was one of the abilities they all harnessed, but she was by far one of the fastest.

      In no time at all, the lithe wolf was slowing to a jog, her blue gaze settled on The Tree. This was the second time she'd been here since her own death, and the emotions that the sight of it brought were fresh.

      She remembered it all so clearly. Her sudden appearance under The Tree's bare, outstretched branches. The freezing wind and sudden pain; the blood that flowed out of no where. The silent wolves watching her. The desperate hope that she would live, that she wouldn't die there.

      A flash of gold shot past her, shaking the small wolf from her thoughts. Baring her teeth to form a wolf-like grin, Rami took off after the honey furred wolf, quickly catching up to run beside her.

      "Done daydreaming, princess?" Misty teased in her husky voice, flashing her a glance as they sped closer to The Tree. The blond wolf's blue eyes held a playfulness that thinly disguised nerves, and Rami understood that perfectly.

      No matter how uncaring Misty came off as, or how much trouble she got herself into, the other wolf always felt the same sickness that Rami experienced when they witnessed the deaths. Even though they weren't actually dying, it was still nauseating to stand by and watch as the humans bled to death.

      The Tree loomed in front of them, and simultaneously the two wolves slid to a halt. The others were already there, holding silent vigil with their sight focused on something huddled under the branches.

      Moving forward silently, Misty and her took up their positions closest to the trunk. Rami glanced over at Ace, the large brown wolf who stood directly in front of the hunched body. He didn't spare her a glance, but the Alpha angled an ear in her direction to show he saw them.

      Turning her attention to the young girl before them, Rami had to hold back a cringe. The girl was a timid thing, her caramel eyes laced with fear as she stared up at them. Shoulder length dark brown hair sprawled across the ground, framing her terrified expression. She was wearing a longer shirt that fell just above the edge of her jean shorts, and handfuls of it were clenched in her little fists. Red was already heavily staining the snow around her.

      The sight twisted Rami's heart, and from the rest of the Guardians' stances, she could tell they were feeling sorry for her too. But they waited in silence, doing nothing but watching. Misty had once sneered at her and asked, what was the point in trying to stop the inevitable?

      A gasp came from the girl, ripping her from her thoughts. Rami watched, her body growing tense, as the light died in the human's eyes. She wondered just what the girl had been thinking in those last moments, but before she had time to start guessing, she felt Misty nudge her. Right. Now wasn't the time to "daydream", as the golden wolf called it.

      Before The Tree, a ghostly wolf was stepping from the girl's body. It was transparent and looked like stars were clinging to its pelt, giving it a glittering appearance. Coming to a halt in front of Ace, it stood still and waited. All of the Guardians leaned forward a bit, watching as slowly, ever so slowly, the body of the human began to fall apart in an elegant fashion. There was no blood or bones, but rather it formed silky tendrils that wound their way around the spirit's still form. When the last bit was in place, they let off a soft glow. And then suddenly, a dark brown wolf stood there, staring back at them with those familiar caramel eyes.

      For a moment everyone was silent, awed by the transformation. Then Ace took a step forward, lowering his nose to press it to the wolf's forehead. His voice was a low rumble as he greeted the new Guardian, "Welcome, Sam."

      The second the words left his jaws, the betas threw back their heads and let out long howls. Soon the others were joining in, adding their voices to the harmonious song. Misty added in her own voice, and then Rami did. Soon all of the pack were singing, waiting for just one to join them.

      As if she knew what to do, Sam tilted her head back and howled at the skies as the first snow flakes started to fall.

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