Moving help

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Keith POV

First I helped Jessica move boxes to her room from the truck. There wasn't many compared to her sister's, which I must say I was grateful for, but it made me wonder why she had so little stuff. Did it have anything to do with her missing scent, or was she just not interested in material things?

 There were a few things that we unpacked that made me wonder about her past. Like the baby monitor she put on her desk (the second I found to be in her sister's room, not her parents). Or the handcuffs she attached to her bed. They were the handcuffs that are placed on prisoners by a cop, with a small fabric padding on the inside. When I asked about them she looked like she was going to answer but then she closed down her emotions. I didn't say anything else about them.

By the time we finished moving her stuff, it was an hour before dinner. For once I decided to ask the neighbors over for dinner myself, but I did contact my mother first. Still they tried to refuse, saying they did not want to intrude, but I insisted.

My wolf and I were thrilled that Jessica would be spending more time with us. Jessica.Just her name made me think about her. Why was she scentless, why was she obviously scared to meet new people? What in her past hurt her?

Jessica P.O.V.

Keit- the werewolf wasn't that bad, no matter how much I wanted to hate him. He made me feel safer than I have in awhile. I know it wasn't a coincidence that my dad got a transfer three months after I got back. Three months after my sixteenth birthday. I am pretty sure my dad asked to be transfered, anywhere as long as it got me away from my memories.

It took a period of two days for my parents to beg me for what I had endured. I had told the cops a heavily edited story of what happened. They would probably think I was crazy if I started sprouting off about werewolves. But I told of how everyone was dead and only the last two I had killed. I told of me being raped. I told  the cops  of  the experiments the ring leaders worked on me, but not the outcome the men were looking for. 

I found out later, after I was questioned that it was my birthday. That I had been missing for exactly two years. There was no question that I would have nightmares, more of what would trigger them, how to ward against them. 

Two days after I came home the nightmares started. They were of the bastards 'laying claim' to me. The nights that their wolves would come to the front to torment me, to attack me. It was my sister I opened up to first. She was the one in my family who I first told I was raped, but never of the creatures we shared the world with. And it was her who found out how to stop, or delay my dreams. 

When Keith asked why I had attached the handcuffs to my bed I almost answered. The men who took me would handcuff my right arm when I would not be used at night. They prefered  raping me together, so one of them would hold my arms down while the other used me.Then they would switch. None of their pack was able to play with me if my right arm was cuffed, so it became a safe haven to be locked up. A moment of peace.

Janelle figured out that maybe I needed to still have the cuff, even though I was safe at home. She was the one who pestered one of her ex boyfriends to steal a pair of his dad's police cuffs. Janelle was the one to superglue a strip of fluffy fabric on the inside when each piece wore out. She was the one that held the other part of the baby monitor, for the nights the handcuffs didn't work and someone had to wake me before I broke my arm trying to get away.

Thinking of my past is what stopped me from telling him. Reminding me it was werewolves who had tortured me, no matter how much I felt I trusted him. So I closed down what I was feeling to think on later because it was not like he'd follow me forever, right?

But deep down a part of me hoped he would never disappear, that Keith would keep me safe for the rest of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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