Ch. 5

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there was a note in the middle of the school parking lot.***

I jumped out of the passenger side and sprinted towards the note. My long, tan, athletic legs got me there quickly.

I was usually a 4-sport/year type of person. I used to do soccer, but that ended my 7th grade year. Now I think it's stupid. From 7th-12th grade I did volleyball in the fall. During the winter I swam on my local swim team. The spring brought my favorite sport, just beating swimming. TENNIS!!!!!!!!!! I love it!

Anyway, not trying to brag or anything, but I like my body. I know it could be improved, but I don’t complain. I’m not ever like “AHH I wish my body was fitter neh neh neh neh nehhhhh.” But I don’t care. My hips and chest matured nice and evenly. Yeah ok I admit I have abs, but not like those scary ones you see on female bodybuilders. But they’re there. And I’m not afraid to prove it.

Ari didn’t even bother getting out of the car. She knows I would’ve beaten her anyway. Picking up the note, I jogged back to the car. I slid in and closed the door. “I need to get back in shape. Gah.”

Ari looked at me. “Are you kidding???” She reached over the seat and lifted up my shirt, motioning to my abs. You’re fine. Ok?”

“Meh,” I answered.

“Well, what does the note say?” she asked.

“Oh right, I forgot. Ha. It says….” I opened up the note and looked at it, then stopped. WTF???

“What?? What does it say?” Ari asked.

“It says…. White, Dick.” I replied, still utterly confused.

“WHAT?” she exclaimed.

“Uh, yeah. Um…” I said.

“Let me see it.”

“Ok, here,” I handed it to her.

“Wait, why is there a comma in it?” she asked.

I looked. There was. Hmm…Wait. White Dick…. White comma Dick… Dick White… “DICK WHITE!!!” I exclaimed.

“Huh?” Ari asked, still confused as I was doubling over with laughter. I was laughing so hard it was pretty much silent. I tried to explain, but it came out in pieces.

“My… *laughter* Doctor… *laughter* Dick… *laughter* White… *laughter*.” I managed to say. “It’s at the office. The note,” I said after, trying to calm down.

Ari burst out laughing, then stopped and smiled. “Ah, I love your mom. She’s great,” she said as she laughed some more.

“Yeah,” I giggled, “me too. Now let’s go to the office. I’ll tell you how to get there.”

“Ok,” she said as she backed out and we drove to the doctor’s office.

We pulled into the parking lot and parked. Walking into the office, I told the lady at the desk my name. “Uh, hi I’m Taylor Morgan and my mo-” I started to say as the lady nodded and swept me to a back room, as I gave a pleading look to Ari. She shrugged and started reading People magazine.

“Dr. White will be with you momentarily,” the lady said, and shut the door. There was nothing to do in the room so I took out my phone and saw there was an Instagram update. What! Yay! I downloaded it and found that now you can post videos! How cool!!!

White Dick (that’s my new nickname for him, hehe) walked into the room a few moments later, carrying an envelope with him. The note.

“Hello Taylor, wow. My goodness you have grown! Have you been well?” he asked. God. So formal.

“Uh, yes sir. I have been very good. Especially since school just got out. What’s that?” I asked, pointing to the envelope.

“Ah, this is your note my dear. But you will get it soon. All in good time,” he said ominously. Um, ok. “I need to just ask you a few questions then we will hurry you out of here.”

“No blood?” I asked. I was deathly afraid of needles.

“No blood,” he promised. “Just a few questions on your…eh… well being.” What?

“Ok, fire away,” I said.

“Have you received your monthly menstrual cycle yet?” he asked.

Good grief. I was 17! “Uh, yes.”

“Do you remember the general time of your first one?” he asked. Weirdo.

“I think summer before 8th grade,” I said. Roughly, I don’t keep track of that stuff.

“Mhm, last cycle?”

Awko-taco. “It just ended 3 days ago.”

“Alright; normal time schedules?” he asked.

“Yep. After the first few, I mean.” I answered.

“Well that’s normal. Do you get excessive cramping in the vaginal area or other areas before/during/after the cycle?” he asked. This was gross. Personal info, bud.

“Not excessive, just normal. In the normal areas. Some during and before, but none usually after,” I replied.

“Good, good… and do use medicine for this or other things during this time? If so, which ones?” he asked while scribbling away on his clipboard.

“Usually just Ibuprofen or Aleve,” I answered.

“Ok, well that is all. Thanks for your time, and here’s your clue,” he said, handing the envelope to me.

“Thanks Doc. Have a good day,” I said walking out to the front desk. “is there anything I need to pay for, or..?” I asked the lady.

“Nope hun, your mom already did.”

“Great, thanks a lot,” I said, walking out the door with Ari. The second we got in the car she started babbling and asking me things.

“What’s the clue? What took you so long? What were you guys doing?”

“Ari! Cam down! Ok, first, I don’t know yet. I haven’t opened it, but it’s an envelope,” I said, setting it on the dash. “Second, it was also a mini appointment. And thirdly, he was checking up on my ‘menstrual cycles,’” I said, quoting ‘menstrual cycles’ with my fingers. “Times and dates and stuff.”

Ari looked at me mischievously and started, “Maybe he was wondering about your… opening times.”

“ARI! GROSS!” I said, after realizing what she meant. I punched her lightly-ish on the arm. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

“Sor-RYYYY,” she said, rubbing her arm.

“No, you’re not,” I said matter-of-factly.

“You are most definitely right,” she smirked. “I’m not.”

Driving back, I realized…

***ooh, cliffhanger! It’s actually not that major though. Haha, ok so the next update should be up tomorrow or the next day, I have been helping with a friends vacation bible school/day camp thing, and haven’t had time to type, but been writing at night. I’m all the way through chapter 8. Yay! I almost have like 60 reads EEEEK! Hehe ok I know this isn’t very long, sorry L <3 you lovely dears. :*


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