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[A/N hey guys so I have been reading a lot of fan fic lately and I love it so much so this is my attempt at it, hope ya like(: also, we are just going to pretend Perrie doesn't exist in this, deal? Oh and if you are an impatient person I don't advise reading this. It's gonna be awhile till we meet Zayn. I don't know. I'm not really sure how this is gonna play out.


I look at the clock. 4:30am. I'm turning into an insomniac. I need to sleep. Ugh. This is probably why I slacked off in the last weeks of school. Oh well, idgaf. Haha. It's summer now.

Hi. My name is Taylor Olivia Morgan. My best friend calls me Tay, sometimes Tay-Tay. You can call me whatever you want. Back to my insomniac habits.

Lalalalalaaaa. "Mmmmmmmffhhhhhu. " I slam my face into my pillow. Well let's see. This is what I do when I don't sleep, plan my life out almost. I have graduated now, done with being a senior. Yeah ok I know I'm lame, I wasn't involved with "Senior ditch day" or "senior prank. " I stayed home in bed and sulked. My 4-year relationship boyfriend broke up with me. For that slut, Janice. I mean, what. The. Hell. What person named Janice becomes a slut like that? That's just not a slutty name.

Ugh. See. This is what I do. I over think. But seriously, my stupid boyfr- sorry, EX boyfriend is going across the country for college, and he didn't want to even attempt a long-distance relationship. Well, f him. He has never even talked to Janice anyway. Yuck.

*SIGH* I miss him. I wish I could say I'm over him, but ya know, in reality, I'm not.

I looked at the clock again. 5:13. I let out an exasperated sigh. WHAT am I going to DO with myself? I pull my laptop from under my bed and open it. A piece of paper falls out. What's this? I read it:

"Car Purchase Certificate"


I kept reading, most a bunch of boring car stuff. What type of car was it? Ahh!! I had always driven my dad's old car, ha I didn't even know what it was called.

I turned my lamp on, looking for more info. After closing my purple laptop (yes it is a skin for my Mac and I love it!!!) and setting it back under my bed, I inspect this ticket more. On the back was a note from my mom.

"Hi baby girl!" (oh I just love when she calls me that *note the sarcasm*) "I know you haven't been sleeping well lately, And I figured going on your Mac is something you teenagers do constantly, isn't it? Oh well, anyway, I am here to give you a scavenger hunt of sorts."

Oh mom, don't you know I don't have the energy for this? Bleb. I drag myself out of bed and slide on my bunny slippers. Cheesy, I know. But let me tell you, they are comfy as hell. Which, I guess wouldn't be that comfy. Anyway... I slide on my slippers and throw on some sweatpants and a hoodie, since I am only wearing spanks and a cami. Walking by the mirror I see that my hair is a mess. I have long, wavy, virgin brown hair. Meaning it has never been dyed. It goes to just under my bra strap, and has natural highlights. I always get comments on my hair. Anyway, right now it looks terrible. I shouldn't care at 5 in the morning, right? Whatever. I brush it out, enough to cooperate with. I do the easy messy bun, twisting the whole thing up above my head and wrapping it around, securing it with just a bobby pin.

Walking out of my door, I realize how quiet the house is. Eh. I run back in my room and grab my iPhone. I always feel safer with my phone, God knows why.

I walk quietly down to the kitchen, because I'm hungry. Not for much, but still hungry. I pop a tea pod in our Keurig, pour the water in, and wait for it to heat up. I reach down and scratch my leg. It just gets worse. What? I look down at my shin and see there is a big red splotch with a bump in the middle. Nooooooo I hate mosquito bites!!! They annoy the **** out of me. Gah.

While my tea is brewing, I run to the guest bathroom and find a travel-sized tube of toothpaste. Dabbing some on my finger, I reach down to rub it on. Ah, immediate relief. The toothpaste is blue, so it looks kind of strange. Eh, whatever.

I walk back in the kitchen and take my mug from the platform, filling it with creamer and honey goodness. Stirring it all up, I glance out the window. The sun is already rising. I am not even tired. I'm actually surprised I haven't gotten mono yet. Sitting down on the window seat, I drink my tea slowly and take the note out of my pocket. I retread it and look for the first clue.

"Your first clue will be found in the dryer<3" oh, look at the cute little heart, thanks Mom.

I walk into the laundry room and look at the dryer. Seeing as it is on, I look at the time left. 5 minutes. That is creepy on time. I see the note through the circular window, but decide to wait. I heave myself up on the dryer. Besides, I would much rather like to go outside around 6am than 3. I mean.. Who knows what type of people are out there? That relieves me. It being later in the morning, I mean.

I think about the rest of my family, all upstairs in bed. I love our house. We have a big front lawn, and when you walk inside, it's almost this big grand entrance. Above you is a balcony, and a stairwell to the left. Most people would call it a 'grand stairwell.' All of the bedrooms are upstairs, we have 4 bedrooms up there. All of them are connected to a separate bathroom. From left to right, there is my bedroom on the end. Then comes my brother, Zach's room. He is 20 now, and in college so that is our guest bedroom, but it is still his. After that comes my little 10 year old sister's room. Her name is Maddie. She is the sassiest 10 year old girl you will ever meet. My parents say she got it from me... Anyway, she was an accident. And she knows it. But she doesn't care, just likes to abuse the leeways of being the youngest, by a lot.

After her room comes the Master Bedroom, my parent's of course. We all have big rooms, but theirs is huge. The door is at the end of the room, and there is a huge canopy bed in the middle. On 2 ends of the room are 2 bathrooms. My dad's has a plain old shower, but my mom's well... Let's just say she is my mom. Hers has a 5'x5' jacuzzi and I sneak in there a lot, because I love it. The last time she took a shower was... Years ago I think. Anyway, in between the bathrooms is a HUGE walk in closet. You would think my mom would be the one with more clothes, and it's very possible since she is obsessed with clothes. In reality though, they split the closet 100% equally. My mom's clothes are on one sad and my dad has the other.

He works for Microsoft, and goes away a lot so I don't see him that much. But unlike a lot of other dads like this, he is very dedicated to us and spends as much time with us and my mom as he can. His job is the reason we have a large house. I don't like to tell people that, if I can avoid it. Because when most people hear this they think about a snobby rich girl, or use me to their advantage. I want people to like me for me.

The ding of the dryer snaps me back to reality. I take all the clothes out and throw them into a basket. Sifting through and finding the note, I pick it up and read it.

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