Chapter 2

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      It'd been about two hours since we walked with Jacob to his house and came back to
mine. Holly was staying as per usual and was talking about how Jacob asked for her number and snapchat. I laughed saying that he asked for mine too, but she insisted he was a lot more flirty when he asked her. I didn't really wanna argue so, I just agreed.
     After about an hour of talking I told her I was gonna do some of my schooling so, I didn't have to do any tomorrow and she laughed saying  she'd do the same. We both did online schooling. Some similar reasons others not so much.
     When I felt my eye lids start to droop I checked my phone, the time read 1:38 a.m.
     I nudged Holly, who'd fell asleep on the other side of the couch. She grumbled at me and turned over, her laptop tumbling to the floor. I picked it up and sat it on the coffee table.
     I pulled a blanket over her then grabbed my phone to head upstairs, when my stomach growled. I walked into the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets looking for food, I pulled out a snack cake and headed upstairs.
     I walked into my room and threw my phone on my bed and quickly changed into a tank top and a pair of dark gray sweat pants. I walked into the bathroom Holly and I shared and pulled my hair up then took my makeup off.
     I went back into my room and for under the covers, turning my tv on. I was watching some "Cutthroat Kitchen" when I decided to actually check my notifications and there was a ton of edits from screenshots of our YouNow broadcast and tons of tweets. I laughed and liked a ton of Instagram posts and and retweeted tons of tweets. I checked my snapchat and over 200 people had added me. I laughed and took a selfie captioning it "Night Snap, been an exciting day.😛" and posted it to my story.
     I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I decided to scroll through my notifications to follow some people back.
     I was following a person here and there back when, I saw that someone named Brandon Rowland followed me. I checked his Instagram page out and decided to take a picture of it and send it to Jacob to see if this was the Brandon I had just talked to.
     After about 5 minutes Javob answered saying "Yeah, that's him and several of the other guys followed you and Holly too."
     He told me their usernames and I looked and sure enough Blake Gray, Hunter Rowland and Brandon had followed me. Brandon and Hunter were brothers, cool.
I followed them on Twitter, but only Blake and Brandon had followed me on there.
After that I checked to see how many people had saw my SnapChat story, 167. Jeez, I was gonna open some of the many snapchats I had gotten, but my eyes wouldn't stay open and I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

"Willow! Wakey, wakey baby!" I awoke to Holly screaming in my face. "Jake wants to come over when he finishes school."
I tried to turn over, but she was sitting on me.

"Okay, leave me alone." I grumbled covering my eyes from the light she had turned on.

"Will, it's 1 in the afternoon. GET UUUUUP!"

"Okay, I will. Just get off of me."
She obliged and got off of me, so I could get out of bed.
I rolled out of bed and fell
on the floor.
"You better not go back to bed!" I head Holly yell from somewhere down stairs.
Jeez, what happened to the fun, let's do what we shouldn't Holly? Whatever.
I got up and grabbed my phone off the ground where it fell, so many notifications. I groaned and walked to the bathroom.
I pulled up Pandora and sat it on the sink as I hopped into the shower.
After probably 30 minutes I decided to get out.
I stood at the sink and wiped the mirror off with a rag then got a towel out of the cabinet. I wrapped it around my body and turned the flat iron on the sink on. I walked to my room to wait for it to heat up.
When I got to my room I went to my closet and looked through the clothes. I finally decided on a pair of light high waisted skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt crop top.
I walked back to the bathroom and towel dried my hair, then flat ironing it quickly.
I looked at my reflection and decided to put makeup on. I got into my personal cabinet and pulled out my makeup bag, I didnt really wanna do a full face look, so I put on some concealer, put on a thin line of liquid liner, put on a little blush and put a couple coats of mascara on.
I smiled at my reflection, I looked really cute.
I picked up my phone and opened up all the smapchats is received, which was a lot and answered a few. I also snapchatted Jacob a silly selfie captioned "coming over? goodluck.😛" and he answered with a picture of Holly on our couch captioned "already here.😂"
I turned my music off and walked down the stairs to the living room and saw Jacob and Holly sitting on the couch watching some comedy movie. I laughed when he turned to me and said "glad you decided to finally come down."
I turned to walk away, but he stopped me saying we all needed to talk.
We were in the kitchen sitting around the island when Jacob started the "talk".

"Okay, so Blake, Hunter, Brandon, and Mark are coming down Thursday afternoon and are leaving Monday night. So, I'm sorry if we make a mess-" he flashed me a smile. "But I'll help clean up. By the way, I'm staying to. My mom said she'll be checking in on us."
I nodded slowly while Holly asked a bunch of questions about the meet and greet and they boys.
I slowly got bored and decided to go outside for a walk. They didn't stop me, so I figured it be cool.
Before I went out I stopped by the door to slid on a pair of strappy sandals.
It was pretty hot out, but I didnt wanna put my hair up because I'd worked so hard on it.
I decided to take several selfies. I scrolled through them while I walked to decide on one to post.
When I finally chose one, I used an app so it'd fit for Instagram. I captioned it "nature stroll🍃". Within seconds it was being commented on and liked.
I guess I kinda had fans too, weird.
I finally decide to go back and when I did I heard Jacob laughing and Holly yelling.
I walked into the kitchen to see Holly with whipped cream in her hair and Jacob laughing hysterically.

"What the hell is happening?" I yelled over the music blaring.

"We're broadcasting and Holly got sassy!" Jacob yelled back. I laughed and walked towards the living room as Holly was pulling her hair up, to avoid anymore whipped cream in her eyes.
They definitely needed to get together I thought to myself.

Fighting Fame(Jacob Sartorius, Blake Gray, Hunter Rowland, Mark Thomas, Brandon Rowland FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now