Chapter 13

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    The soundcheck was so much fun. The fans that were their were so happy and sweet.
     They all recognized me and several of them complimented me and asked for a picture. I happily obliged and asked for their Instagram's and followed them.
     The squealed and thanked me and asked if I could get some of the boys to follow them, I laughed a little and said I'd see what I could do.
      Soon after the main show started and the room was packed.
      As the boys went on stage the crowd went wild.
      I watched from the side of the stage as the boys performed and had a great time. I was so happy for them, they were living their dream and I got to see them do it.
     The show soon ended and it was time for all the meeting.
     The large man that owned the hotel walked onto the stage and motioned for someone to hand him a microphone. Hunter handed him his and the man began to speak.

     "Okay, everyone. I'm so glad you're all enjoying your time, but I'm going to have to ask you to wait a minute while we fully set things up on this stage for you to meet all of these young men."
     He handed the microphone back to Hunter and Hunter smiled awkwardly at all the people watching.
      "Yea, so what's up cuties? I mean like I don't know what we're supposed to do while they set up the backdrop and dividers, but uhm-" It was so silent as he spoke I couldn't help, but laugh.
      I instantly regretted it because Hunter gave me that miscues opus look of his and then turned towards the guys and they whispered.
     I slowly got up and started to back up, making space between me and the stage.
     Hunter turned towards the fans and said rather cheerfully "How would you beautifuls like to meet THE Willow Abernathy? The one that's been blowing up on all of our social media."
     Shouts rang everywhere, tons of whoops and yells. I sighed as Blake and Jacob started towards me.
      Crap, I wasn't going out there, there was atleast 200 people out there.
      I turned around and started to speed walk very quickly towards the stages backdoor.
     I heard Blake shout at me and then felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and jerk me back.

"I'm not going out there!" I shouted.

     "Yes you are." Jacob shot back at me as Blake walked up behind us.

      "Willow, please?" He said as he tried a little puppy dog face on me.

"Oh, cut the crap Blake. It's not gonna work on me." I heard Jacob chuckle.
     Blake narrowed his eyes at me and the his face lit up with a bright smile. "Fine." he said as he grabbed me around my legs and hoisted me across his shoulder.
     I used my arms to lean my head off his back and started to kick my legs.

"Blake, seriously! I'm gonna get up there and forget my name! Put me down!"

     "Okie dokie." I heard him say as he placed me on the ground.
     I ran my hand through my hair and looked up. What seemed like a million set of eyes stared back at me.
       I felt my stomach do a complete summersault.
      I attempted a weak smile and heard Brandon say "Why don't we give Willow a warm welcome."
     Instantly the crowd busted with hellos, and hey Willow, and just multiple shouts.
     I felt my stomach tighten again, so I looked at Hunter standing beside me and tried to plead with my eyes to get me off the stage.
     He just winked at me and said "You know what guys? I think we should have Willow sing for us." I felt myself cringe as the words left his mouth. I loved music and singing, but not in front of people. "How do you know I sing." I whispered at him. "Holly told us before everything went south." he whispered back and have me that smile I loved.
     I felt my stomach settle a little and I smiled back.
     "What do you say, should she sing?" Blake shouted and the crowd replied.
     I couldn't do this. I weakly smiled as a microphone was put into my hand.

Fighting Fame(Jacob Sartorius, Blake Gray, Hunter Rowland, Mark Thomas, Brandon Rowland FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now