Chapter 31

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She was still in love with him, I knew it before she even said those words. I knew she'd never love me like she loved him, but I couldn't believe how broken she was when she'd seemed so fine.
It happened as if in slow motion. The car swerved, but it didn't miss her. It hit her almost completely head on, the driver was going to fast to stop in time.
I watched her limp body hit the ground and felt the screams rip from my throat, I ran over to her and pulled her legs from under the edge of the car and into my lap.
I heard yells as the others ran out to see what happened. I saw people on phones and the driver had jumped out of the car, an older man, mid forties maybe, he reaked of alcohol. It was only 2 in the afternoon, I laid my head against hers as the tears raced down my cheeks.
I heard the sirens and then quickly felt them take her from my arms as they put her onto a gurney and loaded her into the ambulance, Holly got into the back yelling for someone to call her mom.
I got up and walked to the edge of the sidewalk sitting down, I felt Mark and Jacob beside me as they wrapped their arms around me, I could hear Mark on the phone with Willow's mom and felt the hot tears on my arm from Jacob.
Willow's mom was there in no time, we liked into her car and we raced to the hospital, the second we parked, Willow's mom jumped from the car and rushed into the hospital.
We were right behind her and could hear her yelling for Willow as we ran inside, Holly came from the side of the waiting room and wrapped her arms around her, guiding her to a seat, they sat beside each other, Jacob had Holky in his lap as she cried.
Mark sat beside Willow's mom, hand in hand as silent tears slipped down both of their faces.
I sat across from all of them looking on, I couldn't believe this was happening, I couldn't watch them, all of them so upset, any more I watched the door the doctor would come out, waiting and pleading for him to come out and say it was only a few broken bones but she'd be okay.
The doctor came out with somber look on his face, he asked who he should tell and we all answered, he gave us a grim look and said "She was hit head on by a car going 53 mph,the man was drunk while driving and has been taken into custody, but I hate to tell you, she has several broken bones, severe internal bleeding and her heart wall has been punctured. I fear there isn't much we can do, but see how things go and then see what our options are."
With those words I felt my stomach drop, Holly let out a sob into Jacobs chest, and Mark tightened his grip, the doctor said she was asleep and didn't know when she'd wake up, but said we could go in and see her.
We walked down a long hallway and into her hospital room, she was hooked up to so many different machines, several IV's running out of her arms.
She looked so small in the bed, if you only focused in her face, it was as if she was just sleeping.
I heard someone on the phone and looked over to see Holly in the corner.

"Who're you talking to?" I whispered walking I over to her.

"Hunter and the others."

"Wha-" she cut me off quickly.

"They deserve to know, Blake! They were a big sort of her life and she loved that family whether you lie it or not." I knew she was right and took a seat beside her bed next Mark and Jacob.
Her mom was whispering to her about how beautiful and strong she was and how she wanted her to keep fighting.
"The Rowland's will be here tomorrow, they're booking a flight now. I'm so sorry, Mrs.Abernathy." Holly whispered as she patted her back.
We were losing Willow and no one could stop it..

Fighting Fame(Jacob Sartorius, Blake Gray, Hunter Rowland, Mark Thomas, Brandon Rowland FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now