Chapter 7

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We soon arrived, pulling into the parking lot of an amusement park. Yay! I love roller coasters!
I jumped out of the car as soon as she pulled into a space, tired of the awkward crampedness.
      Holly threw me a sly smile as she slid out of the car, Hunter following close behind.
     He tried to smile at me, but I turned away, knowing if I looked at him the tears would fall. He dropped me so easily.
     I felt a small nudge and looked from the ground to see Mark staring at me confusedly.
     He made the most ridiculous face at me and I couldn't help but laugh.
     He laughed with me and playfully shoved me.
     "I knew I'd be able to put you in a better mood." he said shyly.

"I really appreciate it."

     "Wanna tell me why you were so bummed in the car?"
     He asked quietly as we all started walking towards the front gates.
     I shook my head no because I didn't want anyone else to know how bad that a guy that obviously didn't even like me hurt me.

     "If it's about Hunter, don't think he's a bad guy, okay? He just doesn't like telling people no." he smiled at me.
     I felt the pressure that had settled on my shoulders lift a little and thanked him quietly.
     We quickly bought tickets to get in and decided upon getting "Fast Passes" so we didn't have to wait in the lines for so long.
     The boys all looked around nervously, they must be worried about being mobbed by fans.

"Guys, It's like 12 in the afternoon. Your fans are in school."

     I heard sighs of relief and nervous laughter at how inn they had been acting.
     I smiled at myself, today would be fun.
     We all got in line for a roller coaster that wen underground called "The Dendron."
     I didn't want to do this, this would be a dark ride and I was scared of the dark.
      "Hey, got a ride partner?" I heard someone whisper into my ear.
     I turned to see Hunter smiling down at me shyly.

"Well actually, I-"

     Holly cut me off quickly. "She's scared of the dark, so she won't ride but I need a partner." She gave him a smile that dripped with fake sweetness.
     Hunter looked at me with a look I would love to say is disappointment, but it could've been confusion that I was being a party pooper.
     "She's riding with me." Brandon said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him.
     He knew what was happening.
We quickly got on the ride I took the front seat Brandon sliding in beside me.

"What's up with you Hunter?"

"Holly wants him and he obviously wants her."

"Have you checked your phone lately? He's been texting you like crazy about why you sat with Blake and not

"Huh? Really?" I felt around for my phone, but it was gone. "It's gone, I can't find it."

"Really? Wha-" he was cut off by the roller coaster starting.

     It looped and turned, leaving us hanging upside down for a few seconds.
   I was clenching the bar that was over our laps so hard my knuckles were white.
I was really scared of the dark.
"Will, your phone is in the car, Jacobs mom answered my text saying it was."

"Oh, okay. Th-th-thanks." I smiled at him lightly.
Crap, my stutter was coming out.
"Awh, Willow! Your stutter must be back." Holly laughed harshly.

"Dude, don't be so rude. It's cute." Hunter smiled at me.

I felt myself blush and quickly got off of the ride.

Fighting Fame(Jacob Sartorius, Blake Gray, Hunter Rowland, Mark Thomas, Brandon Rowland FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now