The "talk"

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"Y/N! Come down here please we need to talk to you!" I heard my dad call out from downstairs.

Great I knew I was going to get in trouble I should've hid my damn report card.

"Yes..?" I said peeking into the kitchen where my parents were talking.

" sit down please." My mom said putting down my report card.

"Ok what's wrong?" I said acting like I already didn't know.

"What's wrong you're a straight A student you always have been but D's C's and B's really?" My mom said sighing.

"The best grade you have on there is that damn B!" My dad said crossing his arms.

"Well sorry I'm trying I swear!" I said sighing.

"I'm sorry sweetie but it's your senior year and you're almost failing now.. " my mom said sighing and looking at my dad.

"Now..what?" I said asking confused and a little worried.

"Now your mom and I hired a tutor to help you..Taylor she's going to be coming over some days and helping you out to make sure you don't fail your classes." My dad said leaning on the counter.

" A TUTOR!! What are you crazy!!!??" I shouted.

"Y/n calm down. It's not that bad I'm sure she will be a good tutor she's coming by tomorrow and she can help you." My mom said smiling.

"But tomorrow's Saturday its my day!" I shouted and groaned.

"Well guess what Taylor also does babysitting so me and your dad are going out and she's watching you." My mom said smiling hugging my dad.

"What am I like 5 now? I'm eighteen!!" I shouted.

"Yeah well we don't trust you alone." My dad said wrapping his arm around my mom.

"Whatever." I sighed.

"Don't get mad at least give her a chance and you might have fun who knows." My dad said smiling.

"Yeah..learning calculus is going to be so fun." I said sarcastically.

" that's the spirit!!" my dad said giving me a sly playful smirk.

"Shush up" I said trying to stay serious as we all just burst into laughter.

"Just trust us honey give at least this one tutor a chance." My dad said.

"Fine..Ima go sleep." I sighed and ran back upstairs and laid in bed thinking.

I can try and sabotage tomorrow and maybe I won't get a tutor or a babysitter at all...its on.

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