I never stopped.

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Y/N's pov

It's been around 4 months since I've seen Taylor or spoke to her. I didn't really even want to talk or see her. But I missed her.

I was out with my boyfriend Joseph we were strolling around LA just walking around and talking about things and messing around.

"But then he said I wouldn't so I bit his foot and he fell off the bed but that was on him." He said as he told me a story about him and his best friend fighting one time over a phone.

"Joesph you're so stupid." I said laughing as my arm was around his waist and his other arm on my shoulder as I held his hand while we walked.

" hey he elbowed me over a stupid phone and put his feet in my face so I got him off by biting him." He said smiling as we walked.

" you're such a dork"I said laughing as I looked up and saw none other than Taylor walk out of a nearby store.

"Um babe can we go.." I asked trying to pull him away quickly.

" babe we just got here sit out here and save us a table I'm going inside to order." He said as he pulled away and walked inside the restaurant.

I sat down trying to hide my face hoping I wouldn't get noticed until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Taylor's Pov

I walked out of a store after buying a few things for my home and looked across the street and saw Y/N laughing and hugging some guy. I saw him walk inside a restaurant while she sat outside hiding her face. I knew that she had already seen me.

I walked across the street and tapped her shoulder making her look up at me angry.

"Can you go away." She said glaring.

"It's nice to see you too." I said sarcastically.

"I don't have time for your sarcasm I'm with my boyfriend can you leave." She said looking away.

"Can I just please talk to you." I said sighing as she looked over at me.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her into an alley by the restaurant and pushed her against the wall kissing her roughly catching her by surprise.

Y/N's pov

I was up against a wall as Taylor was kissing me rough I was just in shock trying to escape until I started kissing back with the same force and passion making her drop her bag and grip my waist tightly.

"I missed you..so..much..I never..stopped.."Taylor said in between kisses.

I found my hands wandering to her shirt unbuttoning it as her hand slipped into my panties making me moan into the kiss.

"I..need-" I said In between kisses as her finger slowly start moving into me.

"Y/N! Babe where are you!" I heard Joseph shout as I quickly pushed Taylor away and fixed myself up and wiped my lips.

"Meet me later."Taylor whispered in my ear as she buttoned her shirt and picked up her bag.

I walked out of the alley and saw Joseph looking around until he suddenly found me.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

"Oh I saw a puppy run down the alley and I went to follow it and see if it was alone or ran away from the owner." I lied as he nodded and set our drinks down.

"But I missed you I was bored love me!" I shouted as I turned him around and hugged him giving Taylor time to walk out and to her car before he saw her and got suspicious.

"Babe are you sure you're ok?" He asked laughing.

"Yes I just love you." I said smiling.

"Aw ok." He said chuckling as I kissed him making him pull away and lick his lips.

" is that strawberry lip gloss?" He asked confused as he sat down.

"Uh..yeah why."I asked nervously.

"It smells good..and tastes good too wow." He said laughing.

"I think it's strawberry cheesecake.."I said as I licked my lip confused and sat down smiling nervously.

"Either way it tastes good." He said smiling and eating.

I didn't want to ditch Joseph but Taylor just left me so turned on I just wanted her to fuck me senseless no matter how many times I say stop..why did I have to be so in love with her..

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