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"I think she's still upstairs..but yeah me and him just want some time together and we'll be back around midnight but you can leave around 8 or 9 whenever you need to go home we just want someone here to make sure she's not doing anything she shouldn't but studying but here you go." I heard my mom say.

I rubbed my eyes and got dressed and put my hair up in a messy bun and walked out of my room. I peeked down stairs and saw a tall blond with short hair..I didn't mean to sound..weird or anything..but she was actually pretty..hot. I wouldn't mind having her as a tutor.

"Oh there she is" my dad said smiling looking up At me from downstairs.

"Hey.." I said smiling a bit walking downstairs as Taylor my tutor looked at me and smiled softly.

"Hi you must be y/n I'm-" she said holding out her hand as I cut her off.

"Taylor I know..they gave me the whole I need a tutor talk and told me about you last night." I said smiling slightly shaking her hand.

" oh well ok it's nice you know me." She giggled.

All I could do was stare and smile nervously like an idiot and I think I turned a little red and got goosebumps by hearing her giggle..her giggle was just so adorable.

"Well we're gonna head out you two have fun learning and y/n listen and don't do anything bad!" My mom said giving me a stern look.

"I'm not a baby I swear I'll listen jeez." I said putting my hands up in defense making Taylor and my mom laugh.

"Ok bye take care!" My mom said walking out as her and my dad left.

"So let's get to learning shall we?"Taylor said smiling and walking towards the dining room as I found my self just watching her walk away.

"Are you coming? I promise I won't bite." She giggled and walked into the dining room sitting down.

"Yeah I'm coming." I said walking into the dining room smiling and sitting down by Taylor.

- 5 hours later-

"Ohhhh...see I'm a straight A student I just make mistakes but school can get stressful and hard.. But now I'm learning from my mistakes thanks." I said making Taylor laugh.

"No problem..so we're all good with tutoring today." She said smiling and putting all her stuff away.

"So do you just tutor with calculus and chemistry stuff?" I asked watching her.

"Now..well I baby sit and tutor anything I help some of the little kids I babysit with homework and I get payed more for the time I spend teaching them times tables and stuff." She shrugged.

"Oh that's fun" I laughed a bit.

"It can get annoying sometimes but yeah." She said chuckling a bit.

"Yeah I figured" I said as I eyed her a Bit and looked Around.

"You know..I can tutor you on something ..maybe a little better than your homework." She said looking at me.

"Like.." I said as my heart started racing a bit.

"Well...something fun..I mean I don't normally do anything like this but I can give you a few pointers "she said standing up and sitting on my lap.

"What type of pointers?..."I said gulping.

"How good are you when it comes to sex..?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"Well I know some things to do during it...but I've never done it." I said turning a little red.

"Ok then well now you're gonna learn more." She said kissing me softly.

I shut my eyes wrapping my arms around her as I kissed back , she placed her hands on my neck still kissing me as she started grinding on me slowly making me moan. I felt her start kissing me rough I slipped my tongue in as she quickly attacked my tongue with her's. At this point our tongues are almost down each others throats.

She pulled away leading a trail of kisses down my neck to my chest as she slowly pulled away and smirked slightly.

"Well that's lesson one.. We'll continue this tomorrow or next week." She said grabbing her bag and looking at her watch," well I have to get going now. Be good until your parents get home." She said kissing my cheek smirking as she walked out.

"Fuck..she left me turned on.." I mumbled groaning and walking upstairs.

Maybe having a tutor won't be that bad..

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