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I was over Taylor's house studying for a test I had Friday. And after 4 hours of studying was just tired and bored.

"Well I'm done with life." I said tossing my book to the side making Taylor laugh.

"Hey don't say that it's just studying, not rocket science"she said looking up from her book.

"Well it feels like it." I sighed and laid back on her bed.

"Well fine then how about I give you another lesson?" She said as I saw her hover over me.

"Hmm..sounds good." I said smirking lightly.

As soon as I said that her lips smashed against mine kissing me roughly, I kissed back grabbing a handful of her hair as our kiss turned into one big heated make out session.

"Ugh.. "Taylor groaned as she quickly pulled off my shirt and jeans anxiously attaching her lips back against mine.

But oh damn was I happy she wore a skirt today. She continued kissing me rough as I slipped my hands up her thighs and up her skirt making her moan lightly in the kiss. I smirked into the kiss as I pulled off her panties.

"You're naughty." She said smirking as she moved down pulling my panties off with her teeth.

She moved back up on my lap kissing me unhooking my bra grinding on me.

"Fuck." I moaned and mumbled into the kiss making her smirk.

I suddenly felt a smooth amazing pleasure and I looked down and saw Taylor rubbing me.

"This could be fun.."she said smirking as she slid the tip of her finger in me and pulled it out putting her panties back on.

"Leave them wanting more..even if it means leaving them turned on lesson 2." She smirked.

"Ugh you're a fucking tease Taylor." I said rolling my eyes and getting dressed.

"Thank you it's my specialty." She said giggling.

"Haha..very funny." I said grabbing my bag of books and notes and my keys.

"Hold on don't leave yet." Taylor said pouting.

"What?" I asked putting my bag down.

"You didn't give me my hug" she said before wrapping her arms around my neck hugging me close.

"You can be so adorable it's hard to stay mad at you." I said laughing a bit wrapping my arms around her pulling her a little closer.

"I know." She said pulling her face away a bit smiling at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow maybe?" I said smiling.

"We'll see." She said before pressing her lips to mine kissing me softly as our little kiss quickly turned into a long make out.

"Ok I should really get going." I said grabbing my bag and keys in one hand and walking to the door.

"Bye." Taylor said smiling faintly

"I'll text you or call you later ok?" I said smiling softly.

"Alright "she said as we kissed again making it turn into one long goodbye kiss.

"Ok bye now this time." I said as we both laughed and I walked to my car and drove home.

Me and Taylor weren't really a "thing"..I mean I was just planning on having some fun with her and getting tutored on stuff I need help with..but I don't really think I wanna face the fact that I might actually like her..maybe even..love her.

Taylor's POV

I've never done anything with anyone I've tutored before..most of them were little kids of course I wouldn't. But I don't know...I can't fall in love with Y/N.. I just can't I'm just her tutor and I'm getting payed by tutoring her..maybe it's all just in my head..I'm just having fun teasing her..I mean she's innocent..I'm not that innocent..hell of course im not. I may seem innocent to some people but I'm not..I mean she's hot.. Even if I am her tutor..it wouldn't hurt to try and have a little fun out of it right? She may think it's probably beneficial for her..but I'm doing this as much more for me than I am for her...ugh I wish I wasn't such a tease at times I could have just fucked her right then and there..but I want to wait until the time is right.. But fuck did I want to do so many things to her..I need to try and get my mind off things..

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