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[dan]: thank you guys

LION: we really appreciate it

Oddorevan: YAY

Doddle: YAY

Carrie: YAY

Charlie: YOU'RE BACK

Emma: we did good

Luke: we did so good

Peej: im glad you two are happy??

[dan]: we are

Sad chris: good bc you moping around was getting annoying

[dan]: rude

[dan]: I will show them your love poems you wrote to them

Sad chris: oh wonderful dan

Peej: show me

[dan]: ive private messaged you

Sad chris: this is the end of your life dan

LION: rude

Peej: their eyes are as green as the grass outside

Sad chris: Stop

Peej: their hair has curls like the ocean waves

Peej: their lips look soft and I wish I had tried

Peej: to kiss them but I left

Emma: that was beautiful

Luke: chris is lying on the floor face down and yelling

Peej: good


hi hello

my instagram is nighttimenerd if you feel like having a look

mocks next week means that i may not update as much so sorry but i will try to stay on top of things

also thank you so much for 2k reads oh my god wow thank you

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