Chapter Three - Hot Mess

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I watched as Georgia ran down the corridor, crying. A part of me had wanted to run after her, mainly in an attempt to make sure that she was alright. Instead, I chose to close the door. She didn't need a stranger to comfort her but that didn't mean that it was okay for me to see her hurt like this. In a sense, I slowly closed the door mainly out of fear that I would cause Georgia more heartache. I tried my best to settle down for the night but it was to no avail. I just couldn't do it. I kept tossing and turning in my bed; all of the thoughts that plagued me were centred around Georgia's wellbeing. Was she OK? Did she find somewhere to stay? Is she still out there alone? All of those questions filled my head and within the space of what felt like an hour, I had given up on the thought of sleep. I got out from underneath the tempting bed sheets, slipped into a pair of dark jeans and made my way to the kitchen area to make myself a black coffee. I sat near the window that overlooked the monochrome street with the mug in my hand but my thoughts were elsewhere. I wondered if Georgia would ever come back to the hotel but a cynical part of me quickly decided that after what she had probably seen, the chances of her returning to the hotel were slim to none.

I took a couple of sips of the near-black liquid before placing the mug on the side of the window-sill. I pulled out my phone from my jean pocket and quickly entered into the Internet once it had finished loading, 'Georgia Callie and ...' There were various suggestions but I clicked on the one that read 'Georgia Callie and her boyfriend.' Soon after that, dozens of images came up of the same guy. He was the gentleman that I had seen in the hallway; he was tall, had mousy blonde hair and a strong jaw line. In the photo that I was currently looked at, he wore ripped jeans, boots and a leather jacket. Attached to his arm, was Georgia, radiant as ever. It was obvious to anyone that they looked so in love with one another. The way she looked at him, was the way that I hoped she would look at me one day. I clicked on the image, which had caused the image to become bigger. The caption at the bottom read. "Georgia Callie and Dan Goodger at Kerrang! Awards 2015.' Without hesitation, I looked his name up using the Google search bar. The internet on my phone quickly came up with various results as per my search but I clicked on his Wikipedia page. "Daniel Phillip Goodger (Born 8th September 1990) is an English musician. Best known for playing Guitar in the rock band Days Of Old." I sighed heavily to myself; there was no way in Hell that I was going to be able to compete for Georgia's attention, especially when I was up against a rock star. It also didn't help that Daniel appeared to be as young and good-looking as the pictures had shown him to me. With that, I came off the Internet and put my phone in my jean pocket. I wished that I hadn't touched it, immediately after I was done with my phone. I picked up my coffee and was just about to take another sip when I heard my phone go off.

I sighed again, placed my coffee mug back down on the window-sill and pulled out my phone from its hiding spot in my pocket for a second time. "Hi" I spoke. I wondered as to who would want to call me at such a ridiculous time in the early hours of the morning. The caller ID displayed only one word. Unknown. "Hi Luke, it's me. Martin" Martin spoke. He sounded just as tired as I imagined him to be but it had got me thinking. Why didn't he just call me on his own mobile? "I just wanted to inform you that Karen Leizert won't be joining you on set for your next film" Martin quickly added. Karen and I had worked on a few films before in the past but it was clearly evident that she was so difficult to work with sometimes and that she took her job far too seriously. We shared the same agent and most of the time, it involved the pair of us working on the same film as co-stars. "Oh?" I said, riddled with curiosity. "Why's that?" Most people would be thrilled to hear news like that. I, for one, was glad more than anything. Maybe this was the reason as to why he wasn't his usual self, I quickly thought to myself quietly as I waited for Martin's reply. "Legal reasons" I could tell by the way that Martin had spoken just then that he didn't want to get into all of the nitty, gritty details. I wasn't that nosy bastard to ask anymore questions about a sensitive subject. It wasn't my place to pry and I usually appreciated it when people, paparazzi or fans, did the same to me.

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