16. A New Start

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I woke up feeling incredibly tired. I opened my eyes expecting to be blinded by the light but it was just really dim. How long was I asleep?

The events of what happened yesterday flooded my head. I had a pit of guilt at my stomach. I can't believe I said all those harsh words just because Niall sat down beside me. I sighed and looked for my phone. WHERE THE HELL IS MY PHONE?!

I looked around seeing the rest of the lads were in their bunks snoring away. I sighed. It just has to be here in the bus somewhere.

I put that thought to the side and thought about what I could do to get the lads to forgive me. I feel really bad about everything. My first ever proper boyfriend was the one person I left out before because, he was the one who left me...

We used to call each other weird nicknames. I called him Curry- but I don't even remember why. He called me Eli because he says it sounds cute. He was always so smart, sweet and he never forgot our monthsary or anniversary or even my birthday.

I wonder what he would do in this situation, I don't even know what happened to him after he ran away. Is he still even alive? I gulped at the thought... Why am I even strolling down memory lane? I shook my head and went straight for the bus kitchen.

Maybe I can bake them cupcakes? Brownies? Cake itself? Hmm.. I think I'm going with brownies seeing there is not enough ingredients to bake the icing.

As I started mixing the batter, I felt someone come up behind me. "E-Liz" the familiar voice corrected. I turned around on my heel and smiled shyly at him.

"Hi Harry, Look, I'm sorry-" I started but he cut me off.

"Liz, it's okay. I get it" he smiled at me. I sighed shaking my head, "What I said was incredibly harsh and I feel really bad about it" I frowned.

"They were pretty harsh" he mumbled making me feel even guiltier b the second. "I'm so sorry, I really am" I apologized even more since the guilt was literally eating me up.

"What're you guys doing here so late?" Liam popped out making Harry and I jump. "I-I was just-" I stuttered stumbling over any excuse coming up in my mind. "I was helping Liz with Breakfast" Harry nodded looking at me for confirmation.

"You do know it's 2 past 12 right?" Liam smirked. "Uhh.. We were getting midnight breakfast" I said a bit too fast. Why are we covering up anyways?

"Uhh.. yeah sure. Just use protection alright?" he winked before leaving. My jaw dropped as turned to Harry who had the same expression as I did. I bit my lip stifling a laugh. Liam- THE LIAM PAYNE- thought Harry and I would do it?

HA! That is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. While I tried to hold in my laughter, Harry was practically rolling on the floor laughing. He was laughing so much that he there was no sound coming out his mouth making me giggle./

"H-he though.. we.. were doing it!" he said inbetween his fits of laughter. I chuckled shaking my head, he cleared his throat still smiling and stood before me. "So, what're you doing here in anyways?" he smirked.

"What are YOU doing here anyways?" I countered. "I was looking for you" he shrugged. "Why?" I tilted my head to the side. "Uhh.. I just wanted to start over" he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.


'Oh I just wanted to tell you that I'm Curry, your first boyfriend. I found out when i looked through your phone while you were sleeping. I want to tell you I still love you' would sound a lot straight forward. "Uhh.. I just wanted to start over" I said rubbing the back of my neck avoiding eye contact.

She chuckled, "Um, sure" she smiled. "Harry, Harry Styles" I smiled sticking out my hand. "Elizabeth but you can just call me Liz" She smiled back taking my hand and shaking it.

"Pleasure meeting you" I said kissing the back of her hand. "Me too but no flirting" she chuckled. I chuckled and let go of her hand letting the cold breeze pass through it. I would be lying if I said that I hated her ever since i saw her.

Maybe I really did but only as her position as the babysitter that time, if she wasn't the babysitter- I'd say I would have fallen in love with her all over again.

Ugh, God- Things are so complicated. "Again, what are you doing here?" I cocked an eyebrow at her. She sighed, "Well, I was so guilty about the whole thing that I decided to ..." each wor became alot quiter and quiter that I wasn't able to make out the last words.

"Pardon?" I asked. "I wanted to bake you guys brownies as an apology gift" she said shyly. She is so cute when she's shy.

Why did I stop myself falling for her? If only I knew earlier than I could've had her a long time ago. "Maybe I could help you?" I offered. "You bake?" She asked rather surprised.

"yup! Ever since i was 15- Er 16" I nodded hoping she would remember. "Oh! Just like my boyfrie-I mean friend before" she corrected. Friend?

"Really? What was his name?" I asked sounding a bit too eager. She looked at me weirdly but answered, "I don't really remember, I used to call him Curry" she smiled at the end but looking away.

I smiled as well. Atleast she knows our nicknames. "That's cute, Did he call you Eli?" I blurted out. She looked at me with wide eyes, I realized what I said and waited for her reaction. "Well, actually yes" she answered cautiously.

"How'd you know?" I was taken aback by her question. Think Think Think! "Umm.. lucky guess?" I said only it sounded like a question more than an answer.

She nodded so we proceeded making the brownies. "Alright, we can just put the pan in the oven now" she informed me. I nodded and walked to the other counter to hand her the glove. When I turned around, she had already put the baking pan inside the heated oven.

"How'd you..?" I trailed off. She looked at me and smirked. "What? My baking mentor, Simon, taught me that when I worked at the bakery with the friend I told you about" she explained.

Simon never taught me that! "You know who Simon is?" she asked again astonished. "I said that out loud?" I questioned. She nodded, Just before I could answer, my phone went off. I mentally thanked my phone and whoever was calling me.

I held my hand out mouthing a 'wait' and walked away answering the call without bothering to see the caller's ID.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Hi, is this Elizabeth?"

"Umm, no. This is her... Boyfriend" I smiled at the thought.

"Nice Try buddy but I know you aren't now let me talk to her"

"Dude, she's busy" I said getting more annoyed, I didn't know it was Eli's phone until I looked at it myself.

"I don't think so, why don;t you go check on her?"

"What the..." but before I could finish it hung up.

Creepy much. A sudden chill ran down my spine so I went back to find Eli. She was clutching her hand and biting her lip. "Hey" I greeted walking to her.

She looked up and tried playing a small smile but her glossy eyes gave it away. "Why? What's wrong?" I said carefully grabbing a hold of her arm.

She hissed, "I kind of burned myself" she frowned. I carefully opened her hand even more and saw that half of her hand is red in the middle.

I guided her to the sink and let cool waster run on it. "Since when did you start becoming so caring towards me?" she fake gasped.

I'm in love with the Babysitter || 1D fanfic CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now