28. Nothing much tbh...

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I looked up alarmed, "I-I'm sorry, I- I just thought that—" I stammered immediately standing up. "What's your name?" his voice was a lot stronger and more commanding then I expected.

I bit my lip, "My name's Elizabeth Stone" I answered as I got out the booth. Well I'm screwed. "Well arent you with One Direction, the babysitter?" he asked suspiciously.

"Umm- y-yeah.. I am actually" I nodded, he was scary.. Okay- well not really but I don't want to cry because of his well known insults.

I'm a coward- yes I know. 

"Then what were you doing inside the booth?" he asked this time, I was about to answer when the lads burst in- interrupting me. "Uncle Si!" They all cheered and embracing the man who smiled. "Good Morning to you too" he greeted.

"How are you now ,Eli?" Liam asked, "I'm pretty good- the pain is still there but I'm good" I smiled.

He smiled and nodded as they started talking to Simon, me looking back at the booth and wishing I could have another go inside.

"So Elizabeth.." Mr. Cowell's voice dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Uhh- yeah?" I asked spinning around to see them, "Will you sing that song again for us?" he asked as the boys took their places.

"Umm- yeah sure.. wait- here?" I asked.

"No, why do you think there's a booth in front of you, you moron" Harry snapped, I scowled at him as he gave me his signature smirk.

"Now Harry" Simon warned, "Go ahead" he motioned and I got in. I grabbed the guitar and easily strummed the chords. I hate this, I don't like attention, but I always got it anyways.

Whenever I got attention, I always had to pretend that I liked it when I just wanted to get away from it. This girl I am now? It's not me- it's what my mother wants me to be. I always felt like a wallflower when I obviously and not to others but it's because they never wanted to understand or know about who I really am.

When I was done singing, I decided to look up. I mean- I couldn't be that bad.. could I?

They pressed a button on the long board, "That was awesome Eli!" Niall cheered followed by the rest of the lads except Harry who just rolled his eyes. 

I smiled, even though I felt a bit disappointing that Harry didn't like it. I was already out of the booth as Simon discussed with me about the song. He wanted to buy it from me... I declined of course and said that he could have it for free.

"Yeah, I mean- you hired a rich blonde Uncle Si" Harry commented... Keep calm..Nah- screw that!

"You know exactly why we gained that much money Harry" I scowled at him.

"Oh! I do?" he fake gasped. Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes and turned away from him. Not in front of Simon...

I heard him laugh until he yelled an 'OW'- and that's when I opened my eyes and sighed.

"Well- it settles it then. You know have a part of Syco music " Simon smiled- we shook hands and we started working. I never knew how hard it is to master a song, to record it, to edit.

The lyrics I made were a bit repetitive but it was about a girl. The lads changed some of the lyrics to make it look like their own- but all in all, it was good. 

Tomorrow we record it- so today, we only record Best Song Ever. The song was catchy- a lot of oh's and yeah's.. mostly by Niall.

The way the song makes them sound different is good... right? I was even shocked when I thought Harry's voice was actually Liam's in the Georgia Rose part.

And when Zayn was in the recording booth, the way he hit the high notes that even I can't reach made me melt. And- who wouldn't melt with Zayn winking at you while singing?

"Wow! That was amazing!" I cheered when we finally got the whole song- which took very long FYI.

They smiled, and I started teaching them my new song.

"Now that was amazing" Niall grinned.

I laughed, "Thank you- and Mr. Cowell- thank you for using my song!" I grinned at all of them. 

When we did a rerun, it was amazing— it must have been awkward for me and Harry though because he was the one who started the song. But what made me have goosebumps was Louis' and Zayn's solo.. I'm glad that Niall had two solo's too.

"What time is it?" I asked feeling my stomach literally grumble with my hand on top of it.

"It's.. Uhh- 5 pm" Liam answered. "We skipped lunch!" Harry and I whined in unison.

Silence then filled the air... Oh.

"Well- you guys better get going" Simon broke it at least, "The contract will be sent to you via email by tonight, have it signed 2 days from now"

We nodded, "Hungry, let's get some McDonalds because that sounds pretty good right now" Niall jumped on Harry's back, me laughing.

"Yeah- sure" I agreed. I swear, my stomach was hurting from Harry because Harry getting annoyed with Niall on his back yet smiling at the same time. Then Liam jumped on Louis then Zayn on Liam. They were obviously falling which made me laugh even more.

"Yeah, yeah- okay. you can stop now" Harry said annoyed but I could see him biting his lip... his holding down a smile. And that was enough for me to smile the whole time.

I don't need his love- I never wanted it anyways.. I just don't want him to be rude at me most of the time I'm with them. Friends would be good... I just miss my best friend from 3 years ago.

The lads were having a race out of the building without Louis who was beside me... Weird- because Louis is usually the one who starts these crazy things.

"Hey, are you okay?" I started with the safest question.

"Huh? Uhh- yeah.. Well, no actually" he frowned, "I can trust you right?" he added.

"Of course! We're best friends right?" I smiled nodding.


Best friends? Umm...

"Yeah! O-of course!" I forced a smile. Wow... that hurt a lot more than I expected- wait.. I shouldn't be hurt. I have Eleanor and— oh who am I kidding? 

I love this girl. No doubt— but it's wrong.

"I-I uhh... I like this girl but it isn't Eleanor. I think I love her but I don't think she even knows. I'm scared she'll reject me" I pushed the words out.

She tensed, Uh-oh


Author's Note: Heyy guys :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please vote and comment and fan :D

I'm in love with the Babysitter || 1D fanfic CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now