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This is my second time writing a fanfic, so don't expect anything amazing, and don't be surprised if the characters seem out of character because I have a tendency to do that even when writing my own original characters.

Some notes about this one:

-It will be in third person so I can highlight more than one character without having to switch pov. Please note that I mostly write in first person, so third person is a little new to me.

-This will likely be much longer than my first fanfic; however, the chapters will be about 2k words each and not updated too often (about once a week, maybe one every other week depending how busy I am/motivated)

-I'm predicting about 20-30 chapters for this story, but I've only got vague ideas about the story, so I'm not sure how it'll be.

Thanks for reading this if you do, and I hope you can stay to the end! Also, if I make any major mistakes in the story or there are inconsistencies, please inform me so I can go back and change it. Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy this.

He Lies Within the Sea (eremika)Where stories live. Discover now