Chapter Two

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Mikasa stared at the rocky cliff below as the sea's waves crashed against it violently as the wind began to pick up more. Her hair was blowing towards the cliff, and she felt as if she herself would fall in. Her entire body was frozen as she clutched to the ground with her hands. She had gotten on all fours to peek over the edge, and the distance between her and the surface of the sea was enough to make her entire body freeze.

She didn't know what  it was that she saw exactly. Her eyes witnessed the popular transfer student, Eren, leap into the sea below, but is that what she really saw? Was her mind playing tricks on her? She didn't know how to react to what just happened, and she didn't know what to do. I... I wonder if I should call the police, she thought. No, what if it was a figment of my imagination? Oh no... that guy... I don't like the idea of being a witness to a death, but I don't know what I should do.

Slowly, she backed away from the cliff and stood up. Her body was shaking from the sight, and she really did not know what to do whatsoever. Trembling, her hands reached into her pocked and she pulled out her phone as she went towards the light house, one slow step at a time. Her hands hesitated over her contacts, trying to figure out which of her few friends to consult.

Her thumb hovered over the name "Annie." Out of the few friends she had, Annie was the one she'd not contacted since her freshman year of high school. She was the first friend Mikasa ever managed to make, but she disappeared at the end of the year, claiming that she had to move away. Mikasa had texted her afterwards, but there was never a reply.

"Shit," she muttered, dropping her phone and placing her hands over her face. She was not crying, but if anything, she was stressed out over the thought. She believed she witnessed a man kill himself, and she didn't know what to do. Maybe I should mention something if he doesn't show up at school tomorrow, she thought. But... what if he... no, I don't know what to do. What does someone do in this situation?

After a minute of standing there with her thoughts running wild, she picked up her phone and returned to the cliff, determined to try something. Even though the wind was loud as well as the water, she had confidence that she could possibly raise her voice loud enough to be heard if it was for the sake of someone else's life.

The clouds above were dark and started to fill the entire sky as the wind increased more and more. Her hope was waning, but there was still a bit left. Her body chilled because she was wearing merely a navy blue hoodie and a pair of jeans despite the cold weather; it was supposed to be at least fifty degrees, but apparently, the weatherman lied.

One deep breath later, she shouted as loud as she could, "Are you okay?!" Normally, she would not project her voice as much as she could, but she believed that she managed to do so loud enough that anyone nearby would hear even through the vicious wind. Her hope dwindled as the sight before her was only that of crashing waves headed towards the shore or whatever would stop them. There was no sign of the boy in sight whatsoever, and she wondered if he had drowned.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about what could have happened, or what could have not happened. The thought that she was merely seeing things was the most prominent thought in her head, but she didn't know what else to think. She could believe that the boy was coincidentally near her house the same time that she was only to do something like that. She could believe that she really saw something such as that, but she did not know she was not seeing what she thought she was seeing.

Perhaps he... simply thought he'd try diving and swimming, she thought. It could be possible that he's an idiot who thought diving from the cliff would be okay even if it's steep and the water's cold. Ahh, what just happened?! Did he hear me call out to him?

Seconds later, a color began to get brighter as it started to emerge from the sea. Mikasa squinted her eyes to try and get a better look at it, but she jumped back when she noticed what looked like an oversized fish leap out of the water and jump right back in. It all happened so fast that she didn't entirely process what happened.

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