Author's Note

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Sorry that it took like two years to write this! I've actually been losing interest in snk overall, so it took a lot to bring myself to finish this. I hate leaving things unfinished, however, so I wanted to give you all closure! I'm sorry if the ending felt rushed.

This will be the second (and last) fanfic that I'll write for Eremika on this account. Because of my lack of interest, I won't be writing anymore fanfic for them. I've never been a fanfic writer in the first place, and writing "I Can't Fight a Girl" and "He Lies Within the Sea" were projects to practice my writing by using other characters. They were really exercises and practice, not something I'm truly devoted to. I do appreciate the stories that I've written, though, and I appreciate those of you who read what I've written. It means a lot!

I'm sorry if you were disappointed that the updates for this were inconsistent, but if you're a new reader that just read through the entire thing, I hope you enjoyed! There were plans to have another arc in this story that included mermaid hunters learning about Eren's identity, but I cut it out because that would probably extend this fic another two years because of my lack of motivation and interest in this. It was best to cut to the ending and get things wrapped up for the sake of the readers. I didn't like the idea of being that one fanfic writer that abandons a project for years and never returns to it.

Again, thank you for reading this much, and if you haven't, check out "I Can't Fight a Girl" for some lovely cringe writing lol. Maybe it's not really cringey, but it feels like that when I go back and look through it, especially the dialogue. It was my first time really writing fanfic, after all.

I hope you enjoyed, and I'll leave you with one final show of gratitude.


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