Chapter One

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Mermaids were considered mythical creatures that only appeared in fictional stories throughout the world's history. In some tales, they were considered creatures of peril that caused natural disasters like floods, storms, and drowning, but in other tales, they were considered peaceful and benevolent as they sometimes would bestow upon the world gifts of knowledge, gold, and even their love.

Of course, these were all stories. Mermaids did not exist, and the humans just like the thought of them. Sailors that drowned and ships that got wrecked were caused by mermaids. Humans that suddenly appeared safe and sound on the beach after falling into the sea were not rescued by mermaids. Mermaids did not  exist, and they never  would. Right?

Well, that was what the world believed. They believed that the stories of people with a human torso and a fish bottom were just that; stories. But did they ever wonder how the stories spread throughout several different continents throughout the world? Who made up such a myth? What myth would inspire such a strange idea? Mermaids... did they really exist at one time? No, do they exist at all?

The mermaids that the humans so believed to be a myth did in fact exist. They existed beneath the sea, deeper than any human could go without special machinery. No diver could reach the depths of the sea where the mermaids rested. No submarine could reach the land of the mermaids even if they were at the bottom of the sea because the mermaids... did not permit it. They knew the world was not ready for them, and they forbid themselves from showing up on land. That is... until they did show up.

Five years before the setting of this story, the mermaids decided to give humanity a chance. They decided to trust that the humans would treat them with respect, and they emerged on land. They showed themselves at the top of the sea, and they were out. News of the mermaids spread like wildfire, and the world went insane. While some believed it was true, others thought it was only a hoax until they saw it with their own eyes.

Twelve year old Mikasa Ackerman was astonished by the idea of mermaids. She always loved the idea of them, and because she lived by the sea, she would often imagine there were mermaids in the sea as well as pretend to be one whenever she played in her pool. She knew it was only fictional then, but when it came out to be true, she always wanted a mermaid friend. Her wish, however, could not be granted.

A wealthy, notorious fisherman one day captured a mermaid, and she was killed instantly. The world was in an outrage... until they realized what could be made of the creatures' scales. The man sent the strange scales to a dressmaker who created a beautiful wedding gown out of it, and suddenly, the world split. Several people argued that the mermaids were merely fish to be hunted and it was only nature while others argued that mermaids were creatures with intelligence also and should be treated the same as humans. In the end, no laws in most countries were made. Mermaids were not considered human or citizens or anything, and they were also allowed to be hunted. The government left it as it was, and thus began the hunt of the mermaids.

Five years later, mermaids no longer trusted the humans. They returned to the deep sea, and catching a mermaid was an uncommon feat. The only mermaids remaining at the surface were quite daring, and many of the fellow mermaids questioned their sanity. Did they want to die? They were asking for their demise by going to the surface! Ah, but that's not exactly why they went up there.

There were things on the surface that mermaids could do with their human legs that they could not do under the sea. They could go to school and learn about the history of the surface. They could become businessmen and businesswomen and rise to the top. They could live in a house instead of a cave. They could, strangely, breathe the air of the humans. They could fall in love with humans... they could eat human food... they could do many things they normally could not.

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