Welcome To Ember High

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All 11 boys arrived and got off the plane on the same day. All left for Ember at around the same time. And all stopped in front of the school, like a deer in headlights. Right in front of the school, a large sign read, Welcome To Ember High Boarding School. Home of the Wolves!

Swarms of theater nerds, jocks, and burnouts were surrounding the school. Girls were squealing and squeezing each other. Boy were chanting, pounding fists into the air. Everyone had hands full of either books, bags, or cardboard boxes.

Shawn was the first to get there out of the other boys, he stood in the front office, watching a short, redheaded lady writing vigorously on a piece of paper. Her eyes were furrowed in an angering manner. She was mumbling to herself like a crazy lady, until Shawn couldn't wait any longer.

"Umm, er, e-excuse me." The lady looked up, as if realizing he had just arrived now.

"May I help you?" Her voice was scratchy and hoarse, like a smoker's.

"Yes. Umm, I'd like to know where my room is, and what building? Also, I didn't get the paper with my classes on it." The old lady rolled her eyes and turned to look through files.

While waiting for the woman, Shawn's attention was brought to a pale boy with blonde hair and red cheeks, holding a large cardboard box. On top of that box, he was balancing another box and his guitar case. The door was held with his back and it wasn't long before the boxes went tumbling down.

Just in time, Shawn ran and grabbed his guitar before it fell to the ground. "God damnit. I can't hold more than one thing in my hand for more than thirty seconds", the blonde boy said, making it sound more like turdy seconds.

The blonde boy's blue eyes looked up and met Shawn's brown eyes. "Sorry bout that." The boy apologized.

"No, it's fine. Just make sure not to harm this." He returned the guitar and picked up his own. The boy's eyes widened.

"You play?" He asked in his complicated accent. "Well, I mean course you do! You wouldn't just be holding it for no reason! Unless you've just started learning. Or you're probably just holding it for some random stranger. No, don't say that Niall," He's talking to himself?, Shawn thought. "It could be your friend, or mum, or girlfriend who's making you hold it! Well, not making you, I mean, I'm not saying you don't have a choice, I just- well, you know- then, yeah- there it is- and it's just- Hi I'm Niall!" The irish boy interrupted himself and thrusted his hand out in front of him.

Shawn reached forward, amused by this boy's character and shook his hand. "Shawn." Was all he said.

Before any of them could continue speaking, the old lady decided on interrupting them. "Here's your paper!" She handed Shawn a key, a small slip saying the name of the building and number of his dorm room, and another, much larger, sheet of paper containing all his classes. "Hey you, blondie!"

Niall looked at the women and pointed at himself, as if asking, me? She nodded and waved him over. She quickly gave his a key, two pieces of paper, and sent him off.

Shawn grabbed his things and waited for Niall to catch up before walking out the main office. "I don't think Barbara likes me." Niall looked down.

Shawn laughed aloud "So that's her name?"

"Yep, was on her name tag."

"Ah, well, It's okay, she doesn't like me either." Shawn could see Niall smiling from the corner of his eyes. "So, it's pretty clear that you're not from around here. Where you from?"

"Ireland." Niall answered. "You?"

"I came from Toronto."

"Ah, Canada."

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