Dear Draco,
It’s been six months today. That’s how long it’s been since I last talked to you. January 2nd. That was the day you told me. You told me that we couldn’t “do this”. I didn’t know what you meant at first, I admit. Then I thought about it. We couldn’t even be friends. We couldn’t have any contact at all. You didn’t want to talk to me in class. You didn’t want to hold my hand, or attend the last task together, or eat Oreos together.
I have to be honest, Draco, because you lied. You lied to me. You said you would always be the best friend possible. You made promises and then broke them. You said you never break your promises. I was a fool to believe you. I deserve a reason. I deserve better.
But I actually keep my promises. And I said I’d be honest. So, honestly, it’s killing me, going without you. I think about you every day and every night. I try not to, but it’s always there, in the back of my mind. You made my life so confusing and so amazing all at the same time. I thought that you and I were something special. I thought I could tell you anything.
I didn’t write you to tell you that I’m angry, because I’m not. I’m sad, Draco. I’m sad because it’s been six months and we haven’t said a word to each other. I’m sad because when I pass you in the hall, your eyes are cold and your expression is blank. It’s like you want to hurt me.
But for some reason, your friendship still means the world to me. I still hope for the best and pray that some day you’ll realize that you don’t want to have a life without me in it either. I’m learning how to live without you, Draco, even though I don’t want to. I have to do that for myself no matter how hard it is to do.
The worst part is that you’ll never even read this. You won’t know how I feel because I’m too afraid of your reaction. So I’ll keep this under my bed, all summer long. I’ll keep it because it will remind me of the promise I’m making to myself. I’m making a promise to try to move on. I know it will be hard but this is what I want more than anything.
Have a good summer Draco. I’ll never forget you. Never.
I folded the parchment and laid it in the bottom of my trunk. I piled all of my belongings on top of it and closed the top. I sealed away all of the hurt and opened a door of new beginnings and new relationships. I was done with being pushed around and having my fate decided by anyone but me. It’s up to me and now that I’m here, there’s no going back because this is the point of no return.
The Point of No Return (Draco Malfoy)
أدب الهواةNatalie Hailey was always Daddy's Little Girl. She had the perfect family and the perfect life; except for the twin sister and magical abilities that she never knew about. Sure, things fall off the shelves when she's angry, but who knew that was eno...