Chapter 19: Jessie's Girl

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I 'kinda' fell asleep, just so I could ignore his proposition. In my Dreamland, there was 3 boys: Rory, Adam, and Pierre. Then, it would transition with me being on a date with each one of them. I guess I'm just thinking how my life would be if I dated one of them. Honestly, they all sound like a sweet life to me.

"Amy! Wakey wakey!" I ignored him and pulled the covers up to cover my whole body. Next thing I know, Adam pours a cup of water all over me whilst drenching the covers and then my clothes soak up the water like a sponge. You say that's not bad, well the water is FREEZING! "That's it!" I sprang from my bed and chased him all the way to the kitchen, but Adam grabs me and hoists me on top of the kitchen counter. He leans in closer and trails kisses from my jawline to my ear lobe and it was getting really hot in here. My face was probably flustered because I don't like getting stuck in 'these' kind of situations. His hot breath tickling my ear lobe, "You shouldn't wear white shirts, because it leaves a pleasant view. I didn't know you wanted me that much Amy, you're dirty." My mouth gaped open, SHIT!  My arms quickly cover my chest and my face was a million times more red, if that's even possible. I zoom straight past him and head to my room to change with a bra on. All I could hear was Adam's chuckling and I could see him smirking right now, that sexy smirk... "AMY! I'M SORRY! COME BACK DOWN HERE 'CAUSE WE ARE GOING TO MAKE BREAKFAST AND I'M STARVING!" Ugh! Such a child, I don't know how I stand him at times.

We made pancakes, bacon, and to finish it off with some freshly cut fruits. Yum! But, it was a little difficult when working with one of the stooges here. I was seriously wondering if the other two stooges would just show up at my door and having a little three stooges party. He asked me to do all the tedious things because he thinks it's too 'complicated.' Also, he'd like to fool around by blowing flour in front of my face and dipping his finger in the pancake mixture to put it on my nose. In the end, the food that I made was delicious.

"So what do you wanna do? It is Saturday!" Adam always has to do something, I swear this boy will be the death of me. I tap my lips with my index finger and thought of ideas, 'till a light bulb appeared! I know, so cheesy of me to say. "How 'bout we go to Disneyland! The happiest place on Earth!" Adam groaned, but I hip-checked him and his arms wrapped around my waist whilst spinning me to lay a kiss on my lips. "Eww Adam! Your lips are all greasy! SO GROSS!" I storm off to my bedroom and changed into shorts and top. Hey, it's California. I run downstairs to see Adam on the couch, flipping through TV channels and finally stops at MTV. "Ooh, 80s music videos! Oh my god! My favorite music era! Plus, it's "Jessie's Girl" my favorite song!" Adam scoffed at me, but I return it with a glare. All he does is to reply with the most truthful words out of his mouth, "You only like this song 'cause Rick Springfield is hot and every teenage girl's crush." I was about to protest, but thought about it and actually agreed with him. I just sat there squealing at how hot Rick Springfield was in his music video and singing along to all of the lyrics. Once the song finished, we went to his car and drove to the happiest place on Earth!

I slept through the whole journey and Adam was focused on the road. Good, 'cause I don't want to die. "Ugh I regret making the decision to go to Disneyland, especially on THE busiest day of the week!" Adam chuckled while I playfully hit his arm. "Ouch babe! That hurt so much! I don't think I can use this arm EVER again! Unless, you kiss the boo boo." I grab his arm and seductively brushed my lips on his arm and could feel the hairs sticking out with goosebumps. Trailing kisses up his arm and to his jawline, but when I reached his lips. His breathing quickened and eyes were closed, waiting for the moment to happen. My breath hitting his lips and I giggle, "I'm sorry, but your face was PRICELESS! Sorry for teasing you, even though you do it to me ALL the time!" He shot me a glare and slammed his lips with mine for a brief moment. "Umm, we should buy our tickets now." He pressed his forehead against mine and nodded with one last peck.

After we bought our tickets, we went straight to the Tower of Terror. After that creepy ride, we settled on going to Space Mountain. It's like one of my favorite rides, well second favorite. First is Star Tours. Yep, geek over here and I don't care because Adam is one too. All those rides led to us getting some park food. That's right I got a corn dog and Adam did too! We were strolling around, hand in hand, Adam made the first move to do it. Big smiles on our faces and Mickey Mouse Ears hats on both of our heads, making us look goofy. No pun intended. But, that smile was wiped off my face and Adam didn't notice why I did, 'cause he was too busy looking at what rides to go on next. What the f*ck is he doing here?! Wow what a douche bag, liar, and every other mean words to describe him!

A/N: Yep, another minor cliffhanger. Sorry that I haven't been updating frequently! Been busy with running practices and other important stuff. But, this chapter is for all the Adam and Amy shippers! :) So who do you think "he" is? Let me know in the comments! Vote, fan, comment! -E

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